0 projects

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Small RNAs and DNA repair in Mycobacterium tuberculosis adaptive responses

Tuberkulose (TB) er en av verdens mest utbredte infeksjoner, som tar nesten 1.3 millioner liv og forårsaker 8.7 millioner infeksjonstilfeller årlig. Årsaken er Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), som infiserer 1/3 av verdens befolkning og har forårsaket flere dødsfall enn noen annen mikrobe. Behand...

Awarded: NOK 3.8 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2014

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality


Awarded: NOK 2.7 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2014

Location: Telemark

IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland

Molecular signatures of long non-coding RNAs in breast cancer patients

Of the ~3.3 billion bases of the human genome, only about 2% code for proteins and until very recently, the remaining 98% have been considered to be 'junk'. However, large transcriptomic studies have shown that around 90% of the genome is actively transcr ibed of which a significant fraction may ...

Awarded: NOK 37,386

Project Period: 2011-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

The identification of new genetic causes of Parkinson's disease

Parkinson disease (PD) is a common neurological disorder affecting about 1% of the population aged 60 or older. The disorder is causing high costs to society and reduced quality of life in patients and caregivers. Like many other neurological illnesses, P D is chronic, progressive and only sympto...

Awarded: NOK 7.0 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2016

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Molecular heterogeneity of breast carcinomas; clinical implication of tumor subclones.

Breast carcinomas are considered a heterogeneous tumor type both at the clinical, pathological and molecular level, and individual tumors can display a wide range of molecular variation. Recent work separating tumor cells into subfractions based on differ entially expressed cell surface markers h...

Awarded: NOK 0.21 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Oslo

ELSA-Etiske,rettslige og samf.m. as

Social and ethical dimensions of fMRI: Anorexia as a case study

The case of fMRI research on anorexia can be seen as emblematic of a broader set of processes which critics have called the ?biologisation? of child development and behaviour. Neuroethicists and sociologists have raised important concerns about young peop le?s exposure to neuroscience technologie...

Awarded: NOK 0.94 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo


Mapping of histone modifications in totipotent and pluripotent cells in vivo and characterization of a novel epigenetic mark

This project focuses on revealing the epigenetic basis of in vivo pluripotency and totipotency, characterizing a putative novel epigenetic mark with relevance to pluripotency and the characterization of candidate enzymes for the regulation of this mark. Fertilization produces a totipotent zygo...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Flexible Collaborative Networks and Patient-Provider Partnerships in Health Care: Critical Factors

Alle mål for prosjektet ble nådd. I tillegg har prosjektet dannet grunnlaget for flere nye innvilgede prosjektsøknader, konsolidering av forskningsprogrammet ved senter for pasientmedvirkning og samhandlingsforskning ved OUS, nye samarbeidsrelasjoner og signering av avtale med kommersiell partner...

Awarded: NOK 9.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Oslo

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester

Simulating patient flow and health care costs in Norway

En del av prosjektet dreide seg om modellering av pasientbehandling i sykehussektoren, for å beregne hvordan kostnadene sannsynligvis vil endre seg over de neste 10-årene. Dette er komplisert, fordi kostnadene påvirkes av befolkningens alderssammensetning, samtidig som teknologiske endringer og o...

Awarded: NOK 5.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Akershus



Stem cell metabolism is characterized by low respiratory activity and high glycolytic flux, which maintain cells in a reductive state. This is important to prevent damage to cellular genomes (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA). In addition and like differenti ated cells and other somatic cells, stem ...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIMED-Klinisk medisin og folkehelse

International Confernce on discovery based translational research

Following very successful meetings in recent years, the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) will be staging its biennial conference EACR 21 in Oslo to discuss the latest developments in cancer research and science. The conference will be broad and balanced, and will include Gene Expr...

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Oslo

GLOBHELS-Global helse

Novel vaccine candidates against meningococcal disease

Meningococcal disease is a leading cause of meningitis and septicaemia globally, most often striking small children and teenagers. Due to the lack of efficient vaccines, serogroup B meningococcal disease is currently emerging on a worldwide basis. The rat ional design of outer membrane protein-ba...

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

The AlkB family of hydroxylases; unique roles in DNA, RNA and histone hydroxylation/demethylation.

This project is partly based upon the intriguing phenotype and breeding pattern of Alkbh1, Alkbh4 and Alkbh7 (AlkB homolog 1, 4 and 7) targeted mice. Alkbh1 targeting in mice cause sex-ratio distortion and asymmetric left-right eye development. Alkbh1 is highly expressed in embryonic stem (ES) c...

Awarded: NOK 6.8 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

EUROCORES: The functions of phosphoinositides in tissue morphogenesis and cancer

Membrane dynamics modulate cell polarity, vesicular trafficking, migration, growth, proliferation, differentiation, and more. Of all membrane lipids, phosphoinositides play a central role in these processes (Wymann & Marone 2005 Curr Opin Cell Biol; Lindm o & Stenmark 2006 J Cell Sci; Simonsen & ...

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Mechanisms that couple chromosome replication rate to cellular metabolism

Vi har kartlagt endringer i cellesyklus som følge av endringer i vekstmedium for E.coli bakterien og utformet et simuleringsverktøy til bruk i studier av cellesyklus hos bakterier. Vi har funnet ut at initiatorproteinet DnaA ikke er den eneste begrens ende faktoren i oppstarten av DNA kopiering...

Awarded: NOK 2.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2017

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Transglutaminase 2 as therapeutic target in celiac disease

Celiac disease is caused by an aberrant immunological response towards the environmental antigen gluten. Modification of gluten peptides (deamidation) by the enzyme transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is pivotal to initiate and maintain a pathological immune respons e. Inhibition of TG2 activity is therefor...

Awarded: NOK 55,000

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

NEVRONOR-Nasjonal satsing på nevrovitenskap f

SOBER 2 - Sex On Brain European Research 2 Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor blockage on brain development and behaviour

This study is designed to enhance our understanding of sex specific brain development during puberty and adolescence and its implication for the aging process of the brain. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone receptor (GnRHR) blockage pauses not only reproduct ive ability, but may also have significan...

Awarded: NOK 1.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

PSYKISK-Psykisk helse

Co-morbid Diabetes and Eating Disorders - an exploration of prevalence, psychological correlates and diabetic control

Dette prosjektet er en delstudie av Barnediabetesregisteret og har undersøkt spiseproblemer ved type 1 diabetes. Forekomsten av spiseproblemer hos 770 gutter og jenter med type 1 diabetes i alderen 11-19 år var 18% i hele utvalget, 9% blant guttene og 28% blant jentene. Vi fant at forekomsten økt...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

DNA methylation and mRNA expression at early and late stage of breast cancer as well as pre-malignant neoplasia

Due to improved disease diagnostics, most of the operated breast tumours today are T1/T2 and the distinction between them is of great importance for prognosis. The categorization and distinction between T1 and T2 can be a matter of millimetres, but is of significant importance for the patient in...

Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Akershus

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester

Person-centred care and Dementia Care Mapping among nursing home patients - a 18 months randomised controlled intervention study.

Dementia is a common and devastating disease in the elderly, leading to helplessness. No cure exists and there is an increasing need for care. The care is however associated with a great burden for the family and professional caregivers, and to often psyc hotropic drugs are given to agitated deme...

Awarded: NOK 6.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Vestfold

DIP-Design Pilot

Empowering the patient - Pasienten som premissgiver i behandlingslinjen - DP133


Awarded: NOK 0.42 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Vestfold

KREFT-Offentlig kreftprogram

CD20-specific T cell receptors in gene therapy of leukemia and lymphoma

T-cellereseptorer kan sammenlignes med målstyrte raketter, og utgjør den delen av T-cellene som gjør dem i stand til å gjenkjenne og drepe virusinfiserte celler med stor effektivitet og spesifisitet. Derfor kan T-celler effektivt kurere influensa uten bivirkninger. Prosjektet utnytter disse egens...

Awarded: NOK 7.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2015

Location: Oslo

FRIBIO-Biologi og biomedisin

Conference on "Membrane Dynamics in Endocytosis"

This is a proposal for the eleventh in a series of highly successful biannual European meetings on Endocytosis. The meetings have been alternating between European countries, and the most recent ones were organized in Spain in September 2005 and in Switze rland in September 2007. It is custom tha...

Awarded: NOK 49,999

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Oslo


Molecular differences between embryonal carcinomas and embryonic stem cells: Implications for cancer

We see comparative and experimental studies involving embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells in tandem as important in understanding both stem cell and germ cell tumour biology, and as potentially important as a source of stemness/pl uripotency markers relevant to other type...

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Oslo

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

EVICARE - Evidence-based care processes: Integrating knowledge in clinical information systems

I løpet av 2014 har prosjektet nådd mange innovasjons- og utbredelsesmål. Nye retningslinjer for antitrombotisk behandling og tromboseprofylakse som kom i 2014 er gjort tilgjengelig i MAGIC (WP2/3) et system for forvaltning og presentasjon av kliniske retningslinjer integrert med DIPS EPJ. Det e...

Awarded: NOK 5.9 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2015

Location: Innlandet

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Fear of childbirth: causes and consequences

The Western world has an epidemic of self-perceived fear of childbirth. Between 5 and 10% of all pregnant women in the Oslo area are being treated for fear of childbirth. Steadily increasing numbers of pregnant women are requesting caesarean sections due to fear of giving birth. However, caesare...

Awarded: NOK 6.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2014

Location: Akershus


Epigenetic and genetic programs of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation: a genome-wide integrative approach

The progression from a stem cell state to a more differentiated progeny is determined by the specific activation of transcriptional programs, as a consequence of orchestrated epigenetic and genetic events. The current application aims to identify and char acterise transcriptional programs active ...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2014

Location: Oslo

KREFT-Offentlig kreftprogram

Molecular and biological characterization of cancer metastases

Purpose: Metastasis is the principal cause of cancer death, and for most tumor types staging, prognostication and therapy is inadequate. Hence, new knowledge on how to prevent metastasis and identification of predictive markers is among the most important challenges in cancer research. Our strat...

Awarded: NOK 6.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Oslo

PETROMAKS2-Stort program petroleum

Chemical exposures and cancer incidence in Norwegian offshore oil industry workers

Epidemiological studies have shown associations between work in the oil related industry and a variety of adverse health outcomes. Less knowledge is ,however, available on health effects among workers on installations. The few reports that exist indicate an excess of certain diseases among oil an...

Awarded: NOK 3.4 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Evaluation of functional Magnetic Resonance in the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors for Assessment of Clinical Efficacy (EMBRACE)

In patients suggestive of intra-cranial brain tumors, Magnetic Resonance (MR) is the imaging modality of choice for tumor characterization prior to, during and after surgical intervention. At Rikshospitalet (Oslo, Norway), a multi-disciplinary project has been established with the aim of develop...

Awarded: NOK 7.1 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Oslo