0 projects

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester

The Impact of Pain on Behavioural Disturbances in Patients with Moderate and Severe Dementia. A Cluster Randomized Trial

Worldwide, 24 mill. people have dementia (70000 in Norway) with expected doubling in 30 years. The prevalence of dementia in nursing homes (NH) is 80%, often (60%-80%) combined with behavioural/psychiatric disturbances (BPSD). Additionally, about 80% of N H-patients have pain, which seems to incr...

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2011

Location: Vestland

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

Using the ensemble approach to model Arctic species distributions to reconstruct past climate based on plant macrofossils

To assess the sensitivity of species in the Arctic area to climate change it is important to understand the relationship between species distributions and climate. Recently, there has been a major development within species-climate modelling with the ense mble approach developed by Araújo and New...

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2008-2009

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

TopoScandiaDeep; The Scandinavian Mountains: deep processes

Mountains form mostly at convergent or strike-slip margins and are not expected to form in intraplate settings. Uplift occurred however in various places around the North Atlantic after continental breakup, leading in particular to the Northern and Southe rn Scandinavian mountains. The aim of the...

Awarded: NOK 10.1 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2013

Location: Oslo

MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

SAMFUNN: Newcomers to the farm, Atlantic salmon between the wild and the industrial

Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) has been subject to a dramatic transition over the last three decades, from being a wild to becoming predominantly a domesticated species. This transition reflects a global increase in intensive and industrialised systems of fish farming in which Norway has taken on ...

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2013

Location: Oslo

FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam

Music, Motion, and Emotion Theoretical and Psychological Implications of Musical Embodiment

This project aims to throw light upon both aesthetic and therapeutic/prophylactic dimensions of musical meaning; the primary objective being to increase our awareness and understanding of the positive powers of music in everyday life, as well as in crisis . A selection of CD recordings (programs...

Awarded: NOK 9.9 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2014

Location: Oslo


The effect of parental alcohol and drug abuse on children's future psychiatric disorders: modes of influence

There is irrefutable evidence for the fact that children of alcohol and substance abusing parents (ASAP) suffer a long range of mental health problems. Identifying potential adverse effects of ASAP on children's development is important for variety of rea sons, including legitimating societal res...

Awarded: NOK 5.1 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester


Economic evaluation is increasingly used for priority setting in health care. Almost any health care programme has elements of improvements in survival time (longevity) or health related quality of life (HRQoL). With respect to time, the current standard methods for economic evaluation assume tha...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2012

Location: Oslo

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Indo-Norwegian platform on fish and shellfish vaccine development

Infectious diseases have a significant impact on the sustainability of the aquaculture industry, that being in finfish or shellfish/shrimp production environments. The subsequent use of antibiotics, drugs, and chemical disinfectants cause concern at all l evels. The succesful vaccines for salmon ...

Awarded: NOK 44.0 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Studies in Quality and Cost of Care for the Elderly

This project aims at providing knowledge of some issues highlighted in Report no. 25 (2005-2006) to the Storting about the future challenges in long-term care. The report states that more knowledge about governance, management and leadership is required. We respond to this concern by offering a p...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2017

Location: Oslo

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

Next Generation Deepwater Subsea Gas-liquid Separation System


Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2011

Location: Buskerud

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Marczynski, Piotr Polen 08/09 Kulturavtalestipend


Awarded: NOK 55,000

Project Period: 2008-2009

Location: Vestland

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Cicarma, Emanuela Romania 08/09 Kulturavtalestipend


Awarded: NOK 55,000

Project Period: 2008-2009

Location: Oslo

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Lohan, Garry, Irland, statsstip. 2008-09


Awarded: NOK 31,000

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

P-KVINN-Program for kvinne- og kjønnsf

Kjønn, seksualitet og intimitet i autobiografiske digitale sjangere Gender, sexuality and intimacy in autobiographical digital genres

Prosjektet skal undersøke samtidige iscenesettelser av kjønn, seksualitet og intimitet i autobiografiske digitale sjangere. Postdoktorprosjektet skal undersøke hvilke betydninger og effekter samtidige digitale selvpresentasjoner har for forståelsen av k jønn, seksualitet og intimitet samt hvord...

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2012

Location: Oslo

P-SAMISK-Program for samisk forskning

Sámegiela, sámi girjjálasvuoda ja sámi gielladili symposia

Prosjektet Sámegiela, sámi girjjála?vuo?a ja sámi gielladili symposia er en videreføring og styrking av samarbeidet innen forskning om samisk språk, litteratur og språkforhold mellom forskningsinstitusjoner i Norden som driver forskning innen disse fagomr ådene: Samisk høgskole, universitetene i ...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku

VRI-Virkemidler for regional innovasjon

Høyr og sjå! Audiovisuell språkstimulering i barnehagen

Prosjektet vil undersøkje korleis tekstar og formidlinga av desse kan vere med på å gi impulsar til aktivitetar og opplevingar for barn i barnehage og tidleg skulealder. Ei forskargruppe vil med utgangspunkt i nye nynorsktekstar for barn prøve ut ulike me todiske tilnærmingar til stoffet. Eit sen...

Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2010

Location: Møre og Romsdal

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

The role of values in adaptation to climate change: A Q-Methodology Approach as an integration tool for the PLAN project

PLAN is a coordinated, social science-based research project that analyzes the potentials of and limits to adaptation as a response to climate change in Norway. This four-year project will provide an empirical and theoretical understanding of adaptation a s a social process, with an emphasis on i...

Awarded: NOK 33,375

Project Period: 2008-2010

Location: Oslo

SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiko

Justice in the Risk Society

In recent decades, there has been an increased focus on societal risks, such as terrorism, health risks and natural disasters. In order to control or manage risk, new legislative measures have been established. A criminal act is no longer a necessary prec ondition for the use of force, a perceive...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2013

Location: Oslo

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

InNoVacc. Indo-Norway platform for developing candidate vaccines to invertebrate, piscine and avian species.

Vaccination is essential to large-scale control of infectious diseases affecting commercial aquatic and avian farming. Nevertheless, modern aquaculture lacks effective vaccines against several pathogens due to lack of understanding of their immune system and development of effective immunostimula...

Awarded: NOK 33.0 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2013

Location: Oslo

PRAKSFOU-Praksisrettet FOU i skolen

KIP - Aksjonsforskning


Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2010

Location: Akershus


Støtte til workshop for yngre forskere i makroøkonomi og finans


Awarded: NOK 87,000

Project Period: 2008-2009

Location: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

31854 Ny behandling av sykdom i små perifere blodårer


Awarded: NOK 80,750

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

24146 Utvikling, testing og evaluering av sykkelheiser i Trondheim


Awarded: NOK 42,400

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

31674 Tradløs Bio sensor for stressmåling


Awarded: NOK 0.17 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

34868 Produktutvikling, uttesting og produktdemonstrasjon til forbruker og ingrediensmarkedet


Awarded: NOK 65,200

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

23550 VivID AS


Awarded: NOK 66,850

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Akershus

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

30360 Ingvill M. Stedøys Matematiske Koffert


Awarded: NOK 41,900

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Akershus

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

29479 Antioksidanteffekter


Awarded: NOK 25,000

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

28066 Combi Terminal - miljøvennlig og brukerstyrt kollektivtransport i by


Awarded: NOK 3,800

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

DIV-INT-Annet internasjonalt samarbeid

EurAqua (2008 og 2009)

EurAqua er en europeisk interesseorganisasjon (nettverk) for institutter som arbeider med vannforskning og vannforvaltning. EurAqua arrangerer møter og virker som et nettverk, og har en sentral plassering når det gjelder innspill til EU. EurAqua har ett m edlem fra hvert land og i dag er 24 land ...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2010

Location: Oslo