0 projects

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

6 forskningskonferanser/workshops 30. okt til 3. november 2005


Awarded: NOK 70,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Chiotsan for removal of pollutants from wastewater and leachate

Certain types of wastewater can be heavily contaminated with heavy metal pollutants. The relatively low-cost biopolymer chitosan has been used for several applications within water treatment. Chitosan has been shown to a have high specific absorption cap acity for heavy metals and has been used ...

Awarded: NOK 77,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Animals in changing landscapes. Animal discourses as a key to understanding diverging positions on environmental issues in late modernity.

In order to prevent the decline of biodiversity and ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems, there is a need to understand the social and cultural processes which can directly or indirectly impact upon these systems. Changing - and highly divergen t - views of nature are probably among th...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Innlandet

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Norway-Canada Comparison of Marine Ecosystems

Labrador/Newfoundland and Barents Sea/Norwegian Shelf are two important subarctic regions whose marine ecosystems have many things in common. Up until the 1990s they were home to the two largest cod populations in existence and supported intensive fisher ies. The cod larvae feed upon Calanus fi...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Vestland

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Norway and Canada: Developing Collaboration on Adaptation and Vulnerability Studies

The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) has shown that the climate and natural environment of the Arctic is more variable and is changing more rapidly and more dramatically than anywhere else in the world. It recommends three priority areas for future studies in the Arctic: regional impacts,...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Sampling and testing in soft clay for infrastructure projects

Our Japanese partners will bring the well known Japanese 75mm sampler to Norway. Together we will take samples at NGI soft clay test site at Onsøy, just outside Fredrikstad. Laboratory tests on the obtained samples will be carried out at both Hokkaido Uni versity, Sapporo and at NGI. The results ...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Role of Biomass in Norway's Energy Future

In the United States a major new initiative in biomass energy research is the project "Role of Biomass in America's Energy Future". Ten research institutes and three sponsoring organisations contribute to "identify and evaluate paths by which biomass can make large contributions to future demands...

Awarded: NOK 85,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Prenatal causes of disease as revealed by altered gene expression

The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study is a large, population-based pregnancy cohort where the main aim is to understand the etiology and mechanisms of serious disorders that may have their onset in early life. As yet, information, including question naires and biological samples from the fa...

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Non point pollution from agricultural areas in the Three Gorges Valley (TGV)- Pre-project.

The construction of Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River establishes a 600 km long water reservoir (TGR). Water quality is one of the environmental issues being focused in this area. Agriculture is a main activity in the river basin and a potentially imp ortant source of pollution. Both erosion ...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Akershus


USA - Ext. collaborat. betw. SINTEF/NTNU and Sandia Nat. Lab in Calif. on combustion tecn. in CO2 capture concepts.

The pre-combustion and oxy-fuel principles for capturing CO2 from natural gas power plants involve combustion of hydrogen-rich fuel and air, or conventional fuel with pure oxygen, respectively. Both of these concepts pose significant new challenges to the combustion process and its technological...

Awarded: NOK 67,000

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Proposal for International Workshop On Open Ocean Aquaculture Engineering.

In many parts of the world, researchers independently have identified a need to move marine aquaculture operations from near-shore facilities to more exposed, open ocean sites. This need arises from the growing conflicts among users of the coastal enviro nment. It is recognized by a small group...

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Advanced visualization tools for training and trust in highly complex process control work domains.

The collaboration aims to build a long-term collaboration in the Human-Systems Interaction field. New knowledge and solutions in this area will help improve performance in complex systems whose performance and safety rely on effective joint human and auto matic control and decision-making. Cognit...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Østfold


Canada - Etablering av samarbeid mellom Norge og Canada om bioteknologiske muligheter innen oppdrett av flekksteinbit

Forskningsmiljøer og næringsaktører i Norge og Canada arbeider aktivt med å utvikle flekksteinbit frem til kommersiell næring. Så langt leder norske miljøer an i å utvikle produksjonsleddet i flekksteinbitoppdrett, mens kanadiske miljøer har et forsprang når det gjelder å utvikle de bioteknologis...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Ukjent Fylke

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Efficient port terminal operations

Port terminal operations are crucial for the competitiveness for maritime transport. However what are the characteristics of efficient port terminal handling? The increased transport demand internationally is one driver in the development towards e.g. lar ger vessels and bigger lot-sizes. Larger ...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Geophysics for investigation and analyses of large landslides

Rock avalanches and related tsunamis represent one of the most serious natural hazards in Norway, and during the last 100 years more than 170 people have lost their lives in western Norway. The Tafjord disaster of 1934 is one major example, where 3 millio ns m3 rock mass dropped into the fjord. T...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Akershus

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Competing factors in maritime transport

In this project the focus is on the total shipping market and the competition between the different shipping modes, like container, break bulk and bulk. Further the Panama Canal will explicitly be studied. Currently 5% of the commercial transport activity of the world trade goes through the Pana...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

CO2 sequestration by mineralization

A method for CO2 sequestration gaining increased attention from the international scientific community, is carbonation of silicate minerals to form stable carbonates and silica products. Mafic silicates have especially shown good potential for CO2 sequest ration. IFE is in the beginning of a 4-ye...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Akershus

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Multimedia Metadata Exchange

The purpose of MSMDX is to create web-native infrastructure and tools for utilizing multimedia information. Users will be able to author, annotate, re-edit and re-use image, audio and video content in a networked, collaborative fashion. Key user groups in clude fan communities (of movies, TV show...

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Frankrike - Ifremer / Mohn-Sverdrup workshop on operational oceanography

The meeting will gather 8 researchers from Ifremer and 15 researchers and students from the Mohn-Sverdrup center. The workshop will last two days (19th and 20th of May 2005) with presentations and discussions of future collaboration (see program attached ). Several issues have already been ident...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Vestland

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Nasjonalt fagmøte om PET 10. mai 2005:Positron emisjons tomografi: Teknologi, radiokjemi og anvendelse i grunnforskning og klinikk

For å bygge opp kompetanse på PET i Norge er intensjonen bl.a. å avholde faglige møter med internasjonal deltakelse fra miljøer som er eksperter på bruk av PET i forskning og klinikk. Det første møtet arrangeres av Norsk Medisinsk Syklotronsenter AS den 10. mai 2005 i Oslo. I tillegg til å få...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Apply the RITE benthic chamber to assess marine fauna impacts from CO2 exposure. Norwegian contribution.

The two institutes RITE, Japan and NIVA, Norway have established a collaborative Agree-ment on research related to CO2 impacts in the marine biosphere, 2004-2006. This is an important study subject for both countries, both from the perspective of intentio nal storage of CO2 from fossil fuel burni...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Japanske spor i moderne norsk arkitektur 1950-1980

Japansk arkitektur var en vesentlig inspirasjonskilde for norske arkitekter etter krigen. Materialbruk og konstruksjonsformer fant gjenklang hos arkitektene, og mange reiste til Japan for nærmere studier. I tillegg kom de mange som arbeidet ut fra tilgjen gelig litteratur og reiseberetninger og f...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo


USA - Globally Distributed Software Development Work and Added Risks

The goal of the pre-project is to establish international research collaboration on GSW, with the intention of creating new knowledge through common research projects, in order to improve practice and develop new services in Norwegian industry. The plan i s to be in the position to apply for main...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Akershus

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Project initiation on Tranformer Management btween SINTEF and Hydro Quebec

SINTEF Energy Research has allready an echange of results with IREQ. Plans were laid to strengthen this collaboration in a KMB-project that was planned started in 2005. As this application was turned down the collaboration has cooled down. SINTEF Energy Resaerch and NTNU are internationally lead...

Awarded: NOK 75,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Kraftledninger (forprosjekt)

SINTEF Energiforskning har allerede etablert kontakter med EdF og Hydro Quebec med tanke på et samarbeid innenfor FoU på kraftledninger. Det omsøkte forprosjektet går i korthet ut på å finne fram til konkrete tekniske problemstillinger av felles interesse vi kan forfølge, samt å involvere Statne...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Forprosjekt - Bilateralt samarbeid - Overordnet styring av store prosessanlegg

Bakgrunn SINTEF IKT har fra 2005 til 2008 fått innvilget et strategisk instituttprogram (SIP): "Optimal Design and Operation of Gas Processing Plants". (Prosjektnr 165818/I30 i NFR). Dette prosjektet er først og fremst rettet mot integrasjon mellom økon omi/marked og konsekvenser for overordnet...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Participation of Norway in CAPRI-DYNASPAT

The IAP (Institute for Agricultural Policy at Bonn University) is currently involved in the project "Common Agricultural Policy - The Dynamic and Spatial Dimension" (CAPRI-DYNASPAT) (2004-2006) which is financed by the 6th Framework Programme of the EU. T his project exhibits clear parallels to t...

Awarded: NOK 0.33 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

USA - CSU-SINTEF Collaboration in model driven software development research

Utgangspunktet for å arbeide for et varig forskningssamarbeid mellom CSU og SINTEF er at Arnor Solberg, SINTEF (foreslått prosjektleder for dette forprosjektet), i perioden sommer 2004 til sommer 2005 er på et års opphold ved CSU i forbindelse med sitt do ktorgradsarbeid. Dette oppholdet er finan...

Awarded: NOK 80,000

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Forberedelse av forskningsprosjekt med partnere i USA og Europa: Ontology-Based Engineering Data Interfaces

Det vises til vedlagt beskrivelse av EPM Technology's bakgrunn for deltakelse i prosjektet samt til foreløpig beskrivelse (Engelsk) av hovedprosjektet. Forprosjektet skal avklare samarbeidet mellom de partnere som kan delta i prosjektet og disses innsats og roller i de forskjellige delene av de...

Awarded: NOK 90,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

MATTRYGGHET OG REGULERINGSPOLITIKK - en komparativ studie av globaliseringens effekt på mattrygghet

Norsk senter for bygdeforskning planlegger deltagelse i et internasjonalt komparativt prosjekt om mattrygghet og reguleringspolitikk i samarbeid med forskningsmiljø i USA, Storbritannia og Japan. Samarbeidspartene er enige om å utvikle et felles prosjekt der de ulike aktørene har ansvar for å søk...

Awarded: NOK 85,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage