0 projects

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Life and Work in Balance: Legal responses to working life in times of change and crisis (LaW-BALANCE)

To utfordringer i det moderne samfunnet har inspirert LaW-BALANCE: en aldrende befolkning og utvikling av nye former for organisering av arbeid. Møter arbeids- og sosialretten disse utfordringene? LAW-BALANCE skal analysere det juridiske rammeverket for et arbeidsliv i omstilling. Hvordan kan jus...

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Project Period: 2023-2028

Location: Vestland


Taking age equality seriously, Protection against age discrimination in employment, A comparative legal analysis between Norway and Germany

The thesis in a nutshell: The PhD-thesis I am writing at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo deals with legal protection against age discrimination in employment. The research is based on a comparative perspective by examining the leg al situation in Norway in comparison to t...

Awarded: NOK 37,000

Project Period: 2011-2011

Location: Oslo