0 projects

PES-EØS-Prosjektetablererstøtte EØS-området

Preparation of a Portuguese - Norwegian Cooperation on Valuation of Cultural Heritage under the EEA mechanisms.


Awarded: NOK 70,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

IS-SOE-Samarbeid med Sørøst- Europa

Prifti, E Albania SOE04/05-6


Awarded: NOK 23,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Yoshida; S. Japan STP 05/06


Awarded: NOK 87,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

PES-EU-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (bedrift)

Early Warning of Citizens by modern telecommunication means


Awarded: NOK 0.30 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

PSYKISK-Psykisk helse

Morphometric and functional MRI analysis

I have received funding for my Ph.D. research from the Norwegian Research Council and my main focus has been age differences in neuroanatomy, as measured by analysis of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans, cognitive function, as measured by neuropsycho logical tests, and electrophysiological f...

Awarded: NOK 44,499

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

IS-SOE-Samarbeid med Sørøst- Europa

Bubic, S. B&H SOE04/05-8


Awarded: NOK 18,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

IS-SOE-Samarbeid med Sørøst- Europa

Colakovic, M B&H SOE04/05-9


Awarded: NOK 15,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Agriculture development, urbanisation and ecological impacts: sustainable management in the Krishna river basin, India.


Awarded: NOK 0.29 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Palma Batista; Luis M., Portugal. STP05/06


Awarded: NOK 15,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

IS-STP-Statsstipendprogram, utlendinger

Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Østerrike. STP 05/06


Awarded: NOK 40,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Dynamic Roadmapping of Software and Services


Awarded: NOK 75,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo


Wenche Selmer. Omtankens arkitektur


Awarded: NOK 17,306

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo


Attachment, risk and resilience among school-age children in a multi-cultural context

The aim of this study is to determine and model how mental health and mental disorders among young immigrants are influenced by their attachment patterns (quality of relationships with parents). This will be modeled as the interaction between attachment p atterns, ethnicity, family stress, social...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

FRIMUF-Miljø- og utviklingsforskning

What culture? Whose rights? Which identity? The ethnography of self-determination in non-unitary African states: Ethiopia and Tanzania

The project aims to enhance our understanding of the paradox of righs, i.e. the ways in which the implementation of certain human rights may undermine other rights. The principal objective of the project is to analyse discourses related to rights to cult ure and identity, as expressed through cl...

Awarded: NOK 2.5 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

SIP-Strategiske instituttprogram

From conservative to pragmatic modernization of education? International comparative analysis of the restructuring of educational policy.

We outline an international comparative study situated within the tradition of critical educational policy analysis focusing on changing political ideologies, visions and objectives, the implementation of reforms and new mechanisms, and activities related to structure, governance, content and sy...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2010

Location: Oslo

FRIMUF-Miljø- og utviklingsforskning

Regionalization, the private sector and governance for sustainable development in Latin America

As a parallel strategy to multilateral negotiations on trade and development issues, the United States is currently pursuing bi-lateral and regional strategies. In Latin America, the goal of the US is a hemispheric Free Trade Area (FTAA), but so far only two agreements with a more limited scope h...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2009

Location: Oslo

ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Probing the Early Universe: a study of the reionization era

The quest to understand the evolution of the Universe is the most central theme in cosmology. The Big Bang model is the most successful description of this evolution and spans all scales from sub-atomic to the present size of the Universe. To begin with the Universe was opaque due to the frequen...

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo

FRIBIO-Biologi og biomedisin

The role of autophagy and Alfy in degradation of protein aggregates associated with neurodegenerative disease

Protein conformational disorders are associated with the accumulation of insoluble ubiquitin-containing protein aggregates in the central nervous system (CNS). The traditional view is that such aggregates are degraded by proteasomes, but recent evidence i mplicates autophagy in this process as we...

Awarded: NOK 0.90 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

SAMF-Fagkomiteen for samfunnsvitenskap

Barn, forbrukskultur og sosial endring. Identitet, praksis og konsekvenser for hverdagsliv. En internasjonal komparativ studie

Empirisk fokus er rettet mot barn og unge og rommet for sosial og kulturell læring i hverdagslivet, først og fremst de utfordringer som barn og unge står overfor i forbrukersamfunnets hverdag. Interessen for barn, unge og forbruk internasjonalt er økende og et internasjonalt samarbeid muliggjør o...

Awarded: NOK 2.6 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2009

Location: Oslo

IDR-SAMF-Idrett og samfunn

Idrettsdemokratiet: deltakelse og diskurs

En sentral påstand fra maktutredningen er at demokratiets infrastruktur forvitrer. De frivillige organisasjonene utgjør en viktig del av denne infrastrukturen. Maktutredningen hevder at i frivillige organisasjoner lever lokal- og sentralledd i økende gra d hvert sitt liv, og dermed vil ikke sent...

Awarded: NOK 2.5 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Detrital zircon as a tool in stratigraphic correlation and sedimentary provenance analysis

From detailed analytical studies of detrital grains of the mineral zircon (ZrSiO4) in clastic sediments, it is possible to obtain unique information on the age, composition and petrogenesis of the rock(s) in which the zircons formed (the protosource). For any given sedimentary rock, chemical and...

Awarded: NOK 3.8 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Prenatal causes of disease as revealed by altered gene expression

The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study is a large, population-based pregnancy cohort where the main aim is to understand the etiology and mechanisms of serious disorders that may have their onset in early life. As yet, information, including question naires and biological samples from the fa...

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo


USA - Understanding and prevention of unexplained stillbirths - collaboration in the Femina study and the Norw. Mother & Child Cohort Study

The background: Unexplained stillbirths have been the largest contributor to our perinatal mortality for decades. Women perceiving reduced fetal movements (FM) are at high risk of adverse outcomes, and are frequent and difficult challenges in obstetric c are. There are no evidence-based protocol...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Understanding and prevention of unexplained stillbirths - US collaboration in the Femina study and the Norwegian Mother & Child Cohort Study

The background: Unexplained stillbirths have been the largest contributor to our perinatal mortality for decades. Women perceiving reduced fetal movements (FM) are at high risk of adverse outcomes, and are frequent and difficult challenges in obstetric c are. There are no evidence-based protocol...

Awarded: NOK 0.27 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo


Vann på nett - Elektroniske tjenester for en helhetlig vannforvaltning

Det foreslåtte prosjektet vil arbeide langs tre akser som i sum vil bidra til å realisere målet om økt delaktighet i beslutningsprosesser og bedre plattform for gjennomføring av tiltak for å bedre norsk vannkvalitet: a. Etablering av elektroniske tjeneste r basert på foreliggende data i de statli...

Awarded: NOK 1.0 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Honoring the complexity of the petroleum reservoir - a new modeling tool for sea bed logging

SBL is a new and expanding exploration technique with the potential of acting as a direct hydrocarbon indicator. This technique was pioneered by Statoil in close collaboration with NGI. The technology was later transferred to the commercial company EMGS, run by former members of Statoil's scienti...

Awarded: NOK 4.2 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2010

Location: Oslo


Distribusjon av elektronisk mediearkiv i bibliotek

I samarbeid med tre fylkesbibliotek vil Deichmanske bibliotek utvikle en distribusjonsløsning for elektronisk medier. Prosjektet baserer seg på erfaringer fra vår formidlingstjeneste Kinoteket, og et ønske om å videreutvikle dette hva gjelder biblioteksp esifikt grensesnitt, variert tilgangsmåte...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2010

Location: Oslo


Nettverkssamarbeide, mellom off. og priv. for bruk av felles portal og løsninger, - for eksisterende og planlagte ledninger/infrastruktur

Prosjektet skal etablere en portal med løsninger for bedre styring av eksisterende samt planlagte ledningsnett/infrastruktur - for både statlige, kommunale og private aktører. De sentrale utfordringene kan beskrives som ; * håndtering av kommunikasjon o verfor mange aktører og samarbeidspartner...

Awarded: NOK 7.7 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

FRIBIO-Biologi og biomedisin

Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of the GnRH systems in Atlantic cod

Teleosts are unique among vertebrates regarding neural control of the adenohypophysis. The cells are directly innervated instead of receiving their input through a portal system. Furthermore, the distribution of the different cell types in the adenohypoph ysis in teleosts is highly regionalized, ...

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2009

Location: Oslo

PSYKISK-Psykisk helse

Suicide among children in Norway

Suicide among children below 16 years of age occurs infrequently, but in Norway this problem has been growing. Suicide ideations and threats from children are more often registered in clinical settings. There is a lack of knowledge concerning this issue i n the international community. There is a...

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2012

Location: Oslo