0 projects



We will use the PES funding to pay for 100 hours of salary for the principal investigators and administrative support staff to contribute to the drafting and submission of the proposal. This additionally includes time for desk research, scoping our responsibilities within the project, assembling ...

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Akershus

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Mangfold i mai (MIM) og UD Day 2023 – Gråsonen mellom «digital only» og digitalt utenforskap

“Mangfold i mai” (MIM) er en årlig arrangementserie som promoterer mangfold, inkludering, tilhørighet, tilgjengelighet og universell utforming. Temaene som tas opp er tidsaktuelle og skal ivareta forskjellige perspektiver i tiden fremover. Målet er at deltakerne skal få konkret kunnskap. Kunnskap...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Akershus

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Global Universal Design Commission Europe (GUDC-EU)

EQUALS-EU will conduct a combination of virtual and face-to-face mentoring sessions focused on promoting social impact and sustainability hosted by an advisory group of successful social entrepreneurs, including both men and women, with start-ups led by women. EQUALS-EU will create practical, han...

Awarded: NOK 79,999

Project Period: 2020-2020

Location: Akershus

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Global Universal Design Commission Europe

We are seeking funding for the four network and capacity building and knowledge creation and exchange activities. Each event was selected based specifically on the networks we will target for developing H2020 proposals. These networks represent an untapped resource for identifying and connecting ...

Awarded: NOK 27,664

Project Period: 2019-2020

Location: Akershus