0 projects


The Personal Voice in Joseph Conrad's Fiction

It is something of a commonplace to say that a great part of Joseph Conrad's fictions are told by contemplative 'first-person' narrators, many of whom produce recognisably oral narratives to a listener or a group of listeners. It is also well-known that i n a smaller but important part of his wor...

Awarded: NOK 81,999

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Ukjent Fylke


Impact of successive short starvations of nitrogen nutrition on plant fitness and polyphenol metabolism of tomato

Polyphenols are plant secondary metabolites widely distributed in the plant kingdom. They display a large variety of activities and are notably involved in plant defense against pathogens. These molecules are also implicated in fruits and vegetables quali ty, by contributing to colour and taste a...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Ukjent Fylke

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

"The Economic Effects of Democracy and Dictatorship"

The project will take place from January through April at the Department of Political Science at Columbia University, New York. This project is part of my doctoral work on the economic effects of different political regime types. This project will more s pecifically include novel work on the rec...

Awarded: NOK 43,000

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo


Reciprocal Haunting: Dialogism, Intertextuality and the Discourses of Class, Gender and Psychology in Pat Barker's Regeneration Trilogy


Awarded: NOK 36,144

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Østfold

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

RENORD:Passivhaus standard renovation:International capacity building between Oslo University College and the construction industry

The central European construction sector has shown that the renovation of existing buildings to the Passivhaus standard is achievable. The two-fold challenge for Norway and Norden in general is to first, build the knowledge and skills capacity for the bro ad implementation of this extreme energy ...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

"Chanting away eye blisters...": Treatment as ritualized knowledge in black magic books

My current PhD project with the working title Chanting away eye blisters: Treatment as ritualized knowledge in black books aims to increase knowledge on sickness and treatment of ailments in Norway in the 17th, 18th and 19th century. The main sources are Norwegian texts from the so-called black ...

Awarded: NOK 56,000

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

TRANSPORT-1.07 Transport (including Aeronautics)

Supporting EU’s Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan on Green Corridors Issues


Awarded: NOK 4.1 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Sør-Trøndelag og 3 andre

ENVIRONMENT-1.06 Environment (including Climate Change)

Enhancing connectivity Between Research and Policymaking in Sustainable Consumption

Enhancing connectivity Between Research and Policymaking in Sustainable Consumption

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

PES-EUR-Prosjektetablererstøtte Eureka

PES MARCO POLO: Multimedia Ad-hoc Resilient Communications Optimized for Persistent Operations near Land and on Oceans


Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Akershus


"Russia" as Global Economic Actor: Capabilities and Strategies of Energy Multinationals

The project looks at Russian world market integration from the angle of its biggest energy corporations. It investigates oil and gas majors such as Gazprom, Rosneft or LUKoil and their strategies on a global scale. The project focuses on their domesticall y generated capabilities and at their uti...

Awarded: NOK 81,999

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Ukjent Fylke

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Intrinsic limitation of the field metabolic rate in a free-ranging Arctic seabird: the role of oxidative stress

The rate of energy expenditure integrates nearly all aspects of the ecology of a species, and knowledge of the factors limiting energy expenditure is of paramount importance for a better understanding of the evolution of life-history traits in free-living species. One factor which may exert a po...

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Cranefree - utvikling og verifikasjon av analysemodeller og konstruksjoner for fundamenter for offshore vindturbiner i 20 m til 90 m vanndyp

Prosjektets formål er gjennom målrettet forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid bringe Cranefree teknologi til et kommersialiseringsnivå med et godt potensial å konkurrere i det rask utviklende markedet av fundamenter for offshore turbiner karakterisert ved meget høye ambisjonskrav til produksjonsrater....

Awarded: NOK 4.2 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Oslo

MCA-3.01 Marie Curie Actions

Demographic strategies under climate variation: a study on Arctic and Antarctic seabirds


Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Oslo

PETROMAKS2-Stort program petroleum

IO for Proactive Environmental Protection (IOPEP):Smart solutions for development, visualisation & integration of dependable work processes

During the last two years, the oil industry on the NCS (Norwegian Continental Shelf) had two significant incidents with considerable environmental impact and potential for major accident. The oil discharge from Statfjord OLS-A resulted in the second large st oil spill from the petroleum activitie...

Awarded: NOK 7.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Akershus

COSTINF-COST Infrastruktur

Cost FA0802 - Impact of animal feed on food quality and health elderly consumers (Siri Anzjøn)

On 14-15 June 2010 the 2nd Feed for Health COST Action Conference will be held in Tromsø. Nofima Marin will be the host and organiser of this conference. The Cost Action FA0802 Feed for Health started in 2009. The theme of this Conference is 'Impact of an imal feed on food quality an health elder...

Awarded: NOK 50,000

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi og nye materiale

Energy Materials by Atomic Layer Deposition (EMALD)

For Effektiv deponering av Al:ZnO har bruk av forløper som allerede inneholder Al gir utfordringer med hensyn på reproduserbarhet. Blandingen ble tidlig vist å gi meget gode filmer ved hurtige prosesser, men egenskapene endret seg med bruk av forløperen. Ti doping av ZnO med Al er blitt gjort og...

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

SAMF-Fagkomiteen for samfunnsvitenskap

Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap, Kristiansand 2010

Målet er å lage en konferanse med bred appell til forskjellige forskningstradisjoner innenfor statsvitenskapen. Dette gjøres ved å basere seg på den tradisjonelle faginndelingen i fagdisplinen, og å supplere med mer aktuelle og overgripende tema. Dette me dfører at konferansen i 2010 vil deles in...

Awarded: NOK 42,999

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Agder

SAMF-Fagkomiteen for samfunnsvitenskap

Det 32. norske forskermøte for økonomer 2010 på Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand

Forskermøtet 2010 skal avholdes på Universitetet i Agder 5.- 6. januar. Forskermøte 2010 skal ha følgende plenumsforedrag: 1. Samuel Pufendorf - Den moderne økonomis bestefar ved professor Arild Sæther, UiA 2. Økonomenes møte med finanskrisen - eller var det omvendt? professor Jochen Jungeil...

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Strategic Network for Integrating Radioecology


Awarded: NOK 32,842

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Maritime Logistics Fleet Size and Mix - development of methods to improve SOT, based on SOR and SOR/SOT in other modes of transport

Maritim flåtestørrelse og sammensetning - en grunnleggende og kompleks beslutning Hvordan en flåte bør være oppbygd med antall skip og sammensetning av ulike skipstyper er en sentral avgjørelse for alle rederier. I en gitt markedssituasjon vil antall skip (flåtestørrelse) og ulike skipstyper (fl...

Awarded: NOK 11.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Miljøteknologi for fremtiden - Automatisert EPCON CFU system

I de senere år har kompakte flotasjonsenheter vist seg effektive sammenlignet med mer tradisjonelt renseutstyr for produsertvann, både med hensyn på bedre reduksjon av oljeinnhold og mindre arealbehov. Når det gjelder utstyr for reduksjon av oljeinnhold i produsertvann generelt, og kompakte flot...

Awarded: NOK 3.2 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Rogaland

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Field- and accelerated lab testing qualifying PV modules made of solar grade silicon from a low cost energy efficient metallurgical route.

Elkem Solar's solcellesilisium (ESS) inneholder flere urenheter enn polysilisium fra tradisjonelle gassruteprosesser som Siemensprosessen. Tester på celleeffektivitet har imidlertid ikke påvist noen forskjell på ESS og tradisjonell polysilisium. Utvidete tester av ESS i PV-moduler er likevel ett...

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Agder

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Operating Agent for IEA-HIA Task 23 Small Scale Reformers for On-Site Hydrogen Supply

This project is part of an international collaboration project, Task 23 Small Scale Reformers for On-Site Hydrogen Supply, under the International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (IEA-HIA). Norway has participated in the project since its k ick off in the Autumn of 2006. The main ...

Awarded: NOK 0.76 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

CLIMIT-Forskning, utvikling og demo av CO2-håndtering

Environmental Decision Support for Innovative EcoDesign for CCS


Awarded: NOK 6.8 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Østfold

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Risk-based design principles for energy installations due to climate change effects

Climate change is real and owners and operators of oil & gas installations have to adapt to a different environment. Decisions will have to be made under large degree of uncertainty. There are today no specific methods that combine global climate models w ith structural design methods. Hence the ...

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Akershus

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

TERMINERT! Operativ treningssimulator for oljeoppsamling med lenser

Prosjektet går ut på å utvikle en sanntids interaktiv simulator for trening av personell mot operasjon av oljelenser i realistiske omgivelser. Dette innebærer FoU-arbeid i forhold til matematiske modeller for å beskrive oljelenser i interaksjon med skip, bølger, strøm, is og olje. En havmiljømod...

Awarded: NOK 0.68 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Immunstimulerende egenskaper til LTX-315

I samarbeid med Lytix Biopharma AS (Lytix) er det ved Universitetet i Tromsø (UiTø) utviklet et kreftmedikament som skal testes i kliniske studier inneværende år. Produktet LTX-315, dreper kreftceller ved å lysere plasmamembranen. LTX-315 er et lite kjemi sk modifisert peptid avledet fra lactofer...

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

The smolt probe - novel tools for assessment of smolt quality and marine performance in Atlantic salmon

Smolt quality is critical for successful salmon aquaculture, and poor smolt quality may generate a wide range of problems; increased mortality in seawater, increased vulnerability to diseases and poor growth, which in total represents a considerable loss. Therefore, the salmon industry continuou...

Awarded: NOK 2.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Vestland


Subsea Pipe Tracker - a service of more efficient and reliable way of inspecting seafloor pipelines


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Akershus


Tunnel Safety Monitoring - a complete safety solution for use in tunnel structures worldwide


Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2011

Location: Akershus