0 projects

CL6-Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies

ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies

Awarded: NOK 3.3 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Akershus

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic

Culminating more than a decade of crisis in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic has opened an unprecedented window of opportunity for institutional and policy change, not only at the “reactive” level of emergency responses, but also to tackle more broadly the many socio-political challenges caused or e...

Awarded: NOK 2.2 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Petro-Ambiguity: Oil, Environment and National Identity in the Bruneian Imaginary

Petro-Ambiguity: Oil, Environment and National Identity in the Bruneian Imaginary will uncover diverse new narratives of the Anthropocene beyond the Global North. In close collaboration with my supervisor, Prof. Sissel Furuseth, head of the Critical Petroaesthetics research group (CP) into which ...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Oslo

MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

A Coupled Finite Element Framework for Multi-Physics Environmental Flows

HYDROCOUPLE proposes to develop (1) a new coupled finite element (FE) method for environmental flows, (2) goal-oriented adaptive mesh refinement strategies, and (3) to apply the new techniques to physical watersheds for verification of its capabilities as well as to demonstrate these. The project...

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Oslo

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Innovative and Sustainable High Voltage Li-ion Cells for Next Generation (EV) Batteries

Innovative and Sustainable High Voltage Li-ion Cells for Next Generation (EV) Batteries

Awarded: NOK 34.3 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo og 2 andre

ERC-European Research Council (ERC)

The Micro-Level Effects of Civil Wars on Multiple Dimensions of Women's Empowerment

WarEffects aims to advance a systematic, nuanced, and rigorous understanding of how civil wars affect women’s social and political empowerment at the local level. Recent quantitative research suggests that civil wars promote women’s political representation, but these accounts reflect country-lev...

Awarded: NOK 18.1 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2027

Location: Vestland

ERC-European Research Council (ERC)

A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China

About one-fifth of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture. Much of this relates to livestock used for animal-based foods. Rather than arguing for increased efficiency, MidWay probes the concept of sufficiency to explore its potential for reducing human impacts on Earth's biosp...

Awarded: NOK 14.6 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2027

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ERC-European Research Council (ERC)

The PsychoGeography of Intergenerational Mobility: Early life socioeconomic position, mental health, and educational performance

The PsychoGeography of Intergenerational Mobility: Early life socioeconomic position, mental health, and educational performance

Awarded: NOK 21.9 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2027

Location: Oslo

MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Distributed Ledger Technology: Innovation & Ecosystem Management

Early evidence suggests that participants in Blockchain ecosystems have to resolve technological, innovation, governance and stakeholder management tensions at different levels: organizational (internal innovation development and management), ecosystem (alliances, platform emergence) and individu...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INFRA-Research infrastructures

EBRAINS Preparatory Phase

EBRAINS Preparatory Phase

Awarded: NOK 2.6 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

BEHANDLING-God og treffsikker diagnostikk, behandling og rehabilitering

Understanding brain circuit dysfunction in amblyopia using large-scale multimodal recordings in a new visuomotor task.

Noen teorier om hjernefunksjon anser hjernen som en prediksjonsmaskin. Basert på tidligere erfaring, kan hjernen vår utføre en "autofullførings"-funksjon under stort sett alt vi gjør, og kanskje tenker. Her skal vi studere amblyopi, eller best kjent som «lat øye» i en musemodell for å forstå bedr...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Quantum sensing with nonclassical mechanical oscillators

Målet med dette prosjektet er å utnytte kvantefysikkens lover til å definere en ny type sensorer basert på mekanisk bevegelse. Prosjektet vil muliggjøre sensorer som kan prestere bedre enn eksisterende sensorer basert på klassisk fysikk. Arbeidet vil fokusere på tre ulike plattformer: karbon-nano...

Awarded: NOK 2.6 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Buskerud

OFFPHD-Offentlig sektor-ph.d.

Livskvalitet for familier som lever i de mest utsatte livssituasjonene

Kan velferdstjenester forandres slik at mennesker som lever i de mest utsatte livssituasjonene får bedre livskvalitet? Blir tjenestene mer hjelpsomme om de profesjonelle lar seg “lede” av familiene? «Minst hjelp til de som trenger det mest» oppsummerer en av de største studiene om barnevernet. P...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2027

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

CL6-Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

multi-purpoSe Physical-cyber Agri-forest Drones Ecosystem for governance and environmental observation

multi-purpoSe Physical-cyber Agri-forest Drones Ecosystem for governance and environmental observation

Awarded: NOK 10.1 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Telemark og 3 andre

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

High-Voltage Spinel LNMO Silicon-Graphite Cells and Modules for Automotive and Aeronautic Transport Applications

High-Voltage Spinel LNMO Silicon-Graphite Cells and Modules for Automotive and Aeronautic Transport Applications

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Oslo

CL5-Climate, Energy and Mobility

Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies

Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies

Awarded: NOK 8.6 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Agder


Prosjektetableringsstøtte for søknad til Women TechEU 2022

Woid AS søker Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) for å utarbeide en søknad til Horizon Europe: Women TechEU 2022, hvor prosjektet vil bidra til videreutvikling av deep tech velferdsteknologi.

Awarded: NOK 49,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Oslo

MARINFORSKFISK-Marine ressurser og miljø - fiskeri

ERA-NET: Improved Processing to Enhance Seafood Sidestream Valorization and Exploration

Verdens befolkning er i stadig vekst, og det forventes at befolkningen vil overstige 9 milliarder innen 2050. Den globale matproduksjonen vil øke med 60 %, noe som skaper et stort behov for å utnytte alternative bærekraftige kilder som er rike på protein og essensielle næringsstoffer. En betydeli...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRIHUMSAM-Fri prosj.st. hum og sam

EUI - 1. halvdel av 4. år - European Strategies for Printing and Popularising Renaissance Medicine


Awarded: NOK 0.13 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Ukjent Fylke


PES-støtte til søknad til ERC Consolidator grant 2022.

Formålet med PES-søknaden er å utarbeide en konkurransedyktig søknad til ERC Consolidator grant. I perioden fram til søknadsfristen jobber søkeren jevnlig sammen med et konsulentfirma for å få en godt gjennomarbeidet søknad.

Awarded: NOK 74,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Vestland


Management of water infrastructure system security under hydroclimate extremes

Flooding and drought disasters have been among the major challenges in Europe and the whole world. Climate change, in particular the extreme events have amplified the consequences and added significant impacts on human health, society and the environment in the places where they have attacked. T...

Awarded: NOK 49,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Oslo


“DRone-Assisted SmarT city servICes” (DRASTIC)

Bidra i søknadsprosessen, herunder innhente nødvendig informasjon, koordinere og planlegge arbeid for PhD-kandidaten både i bedriften med plan for det interne prosjektet, samt det akademiske løpet. Partnersøk etter nasjonale industrielle partnere planlegges. Planlegging av "secondments" både til ...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2022-2023

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INFRA-Research infrastructures

leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles

leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles

Awarded: NOK 5.2 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

INFRA-Research infrastructures

A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes

A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes

Awarded: NOK 7.6 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

INFRA-Research infrastructures

Knowledge and climate services from an African observation and Data research Infrastructure

The project ?Knowledge and climate services from an African observation and Data research Infrastructure? aims to provide concepts for developing the best available science and science-based services in Africa that are needed to sharpen our common action on climate change as outlined in the Paris...

Awarded: NOK 0.86 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Vestland

MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Sustainable Aluminium Reinforced Seawater Concrete

Freshwater is a very precious natural resource and it is widely reported that the world reserve of freshwater is fast depleting. This problem is becoming more complex due to development in infrastructure which is demanding more quantity of concrete and pressurizing freshwater resources. Focusing ...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2024

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

INFRA-Research infrastructures

Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies - Preparatory Phase

Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies - Preparatory Phase

Awarded: NOK 0.46 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Oslo

MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater

Topfinancing "Impact of Timanian faults on Arctic Tectonics"

ArcTec proposes to study (1) the westward extent, kinematics and timing of formation, and (2) reactivation–overprint of Timanian (i.e., ca. 600 million years old) faults during subsequent tectonic events in the Arctic, and to (3) insert these faults into a detailed tectonic evolution model for Sv...

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Ukjent Fylke


E!646PRECYSE. Predictive biomarker profile for tumour and patient stratification for CyPep-1 guided ICI-therapy

CyPep-1 er en ny legemiddelkandidat som angriper celleveggen i kreftceller. CyPep-1 aktiverer en immunrespons mot kreftceller og øker effekten av andre immunterapier (f.eks. anti-PD-1). I dette prosjektet vil vi utvikle og validere PreCyse, en prediktiv biomarkørprofil som kan identifisere pasien...

Awarded: NOK 3.4 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2025

Location: Vestland

OFFPHD-Offentlig sektor-ph.d.

Inkluderande praksis i klasserommet

I dette doktorgradsprosjektet ønskjer ein å undersøka det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet til lærarane og korleis ein arbeidar og underviser for å oppnå inkluderande praksis i klasserommet. Inkluderande praksis vil i prosjektet bli forstått slik at alle elevar skal oppleva deltaking og kjenna...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2022-2026

Location: Rogaland