0 projects

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Designing business models for customer value in heterogeneous networks

Technological research conducted to fulfil the vision of seamless services provided across heterogeneous networks has been intense. Business model research on heterogeneous networks is scarce and focuses seamless services across existing access network in frastructures, such as GPRS, UMTS and Wi-...

Awarded: NOK 3.6 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2013

Location: Vestland

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Flexible Integration Processes in the Public Sector

This project will investigate processes where ICT is employed in the public sector to establish and sustain networked collaborative work practices. Achieving change and learning in complex socio-technical assemblages involve handling of complexity, for wh ich flexibility is a key strategy. Thus o...

Awarded: NOK 8.4 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

INVENTIO - Theory and Practice of Designing Digital Genres for Learning and Leisure.

Despite the promise of technology, there are lags in the textual realisation of rich multimodal communication. We see three levels of digital media: hardware, software and genre as meaningware. We focus on genre in making meaning via digital media from a humanistic point of view. In research and ...

Awarded: NOK 5.7 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

DeStore - Decentralized Storage of Multimodal User Data

Websentriske tjenester blir stadig mer populære, mye grunnet muligheten til å leie en komplett tjeneste med en minimal administrativ innsats for kunden. Webbaserte tjenester har likevel flere svakheter i forhold til lokalt driftede løsninger. I de webtje nestene hvor brukeren selv produseres sto...

Awarded: NOK 5.9 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Spoken Information Retrieval by Knowledge Utilization in Statistical speech processing

Current automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance is at its best one order of magnitude below human performance. A new statistical framework is needed that will incorporate knowledge sources in a combined knowledge-based and data-driven paradigm. The project is a part of a joint internation...

Awarded: NOK 10.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Context-sensitive systems for mobile communication in hospitals

This project will focus on context-sensitive interfaces, middleware, and new interaction forms for mobile devices that support multi-modal communication in hospitals. Such devices will support media such as voice services, text-messaging and paging in an efficient and non-interruptive manner as...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

New innovative barrier solutions for targeted fresh food packaging applications

One of the primary challenges in food packaging business is the presence of oxygen contained in a produce or permeate through the packaging material, having a strong negative effects on the quality and shelf-life of the foodstuff. Effective barrier materi als are in general expensive multilayer s...

Awarded: NOK 4.5 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PRAKSFOU-Praksisrettet FOU i skolen

Å lære og lede i praksisfellesskaper- et aksjonsrettet læringsprogram for skoleledelse og skoleeier i Tromsø, Balsfjord, Karlsøy og Svalbard

Forskningsprosjektet Å lære og lede i praksisfellesskaper er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom lærerutdanningene ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Høgskolen i Tromsø og de tre kommunene Balsfjord, Karlsøy, og Tromsø. I tillegg er skoleledere fra Svalbard med. Forsk ningsarbeidet utføres i nært samarbeid me...

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Ukjent Fylke

PRAKUT-Praksisrettet utdanningsforskn

Yrkesdidaktisk kunnskapsutvikling og implementering av nye læreplaner.

Dette prosjektet kombinerer beskrivende forskning og aksjonsforskning. Prosjektet skal følge implementeringen av nye læreplaner i yrkesutdanningen. Søkelyset vil være rettet mot yrkesfaglærernes fortolkninger av planer, deres oppfølging av disse i praksi s og utviklingen av metodiske opplegg og ...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2013

Location: Oslo

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) - molecular characterisation of the virus and vaccine development

Heart Skeleton muscle innflammation (HSMI) has been an increasing problem in Norwegian salmon farming since the first occurence in 1999. This project aims at a further characterization of the HSMIV viral genome and viral proteins (WP1) as a basis for prod ucing recombinant virus protein and makin...

Awarded: NOK 3.6 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PRAKSFOU-Praksisrettet FOU i skolen

Tilpasset opplæring og pedagogisk praksis

Prosjektet tilpasset opplæring og pedagogisk praksis skal drives i et nært samarbeid mellom Høgskolen i Hedmark og skoleeiere. Det er organisert som en paraply med fem underprosjekter som tar opp i seg ulike problemstillinger relatert til tilpasset opplær ing. Hovedproblemstillingen i prosjektet ...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Innlandet

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Filmer om moderne bioteknologi

(Vi ønsker å presisere at innholdet i filmene ikke er endelig bestemt. FUGEs representanter i prosjektgruppen vil være med på å forme opplegget i henhold til FUGEs mandat.) Vi ønsker å bidra til informasjon og offentlig debatt med et filmbasert undervis ningsopplegg om bioteknologi og etikk. G...

Awarded: NOK 0.40 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Oslo

PRAKUT-Praksisrettet utdanningsforskn

Teaching Better Mathematics (Bedre matematikkundervisning )

We propose a programme of developmental research in which didacticians at 5 colleges work closely with teachers and student teachers to develop mathematics learning and teaching. The goal of project activity is that teaching should provide better learnin g experiences for pupils to develop conce...

Awarded: NOK 8.1 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Agder

PRAKSFOU-Praksisrettet FOU i skolen


Overordnet problemstilling for prosjektet tar utgangspunkt i elevenes læring og peker videre på hvordan lærere og forskere kan samarbeide om å utvikle undervisningen og skolen som en lærende organisasjon. Prosjektet består av fire delprosjekt som gjennomf øres på team- og skolenivå i en 1-10-skol...

Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

CIGENE resource and core project proposals for the GENOFISK call May 8th

See attachments

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Akershus

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Functional Genomics of Regulatory T cells - Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Immunomodulation

The main goal of the research plan is to understand how the immune system controls immune reactivity and balances self-tolerance versus an efficient immune defence. This could potentially lead to new understanding of key factors in the pathogenesis of hum an disease. Specifically, we aim to inves...

Awarded: NOK 7.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Design and Production of Planar SOFCs from Nanoparticles with Emphasis on Support and Sealing

NANOSOFC will aim to manufacture and test a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) from nanoparticles, which were developed in an earlier project: MSOFC. Two urgent SOFC technology issues will also be addressed: support and sealing for planar cells. Two new nanopar ticle products were developed in MSOFC, b...

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Vestland

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Nanomaterialer for Mikro Energihøsting

I de senere år har det vært svært mye forskning på nettverk av autonome sensorer, det vil si sensorer som har sin egen energiforsyning, er intelligente og kommuniserer (ofte trådløst) med omverden. En spesielt stor utfordring i den sammenheng er knyttet t il energiforsyning av sensorene. Spesielt...

Awarded: NOK 7.5 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Vestfold

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi og nye materiale

Høykvalitets nanokarbon fra naturgass

Carbontech Holding AS har utviklet, patentert og verifisert en ny metode for fremstilling av hydrogen og høykvalitets nanokarbon fra naturgass. I prosjektets første fase ble det bygget og gjort vellykkede forsøk i CTH sitt pilotanlegg ved Høgskolen i Haug esund. Under pilotforsøkene ble 40% av na...

Awarded: NOK 7.7 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2014

Location: Vestland

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

Meeting the climate challenge: New legal instruments and issues in national and international energy and climate law

The project takes a broad approach to legal issues inherent in the dynamic and increasingly intertwined fields of national and international climate and energy policy. It is organised within the research group in Natural Resources Law at the Law Faculty w ith broad competence in environmental and...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2012

Location: Oslo

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Proteomic and bioinformatic studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major communicable disease linked to poverty with a substantial death toll of about 2 million cases annually. Research is needed to develop novel diagnostic tools, novel preventive measures such as vaccines and novel antibiotics. To do so it is of paramount importance to k...

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Vestland

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Dissecting the process of plastid division in higher plants using functional genomics approaches

Plant cells contain plastids, vital organelles representing the ultimate source of all food production. Plastids are not created de novo but arise by division from pre-existing cytosolic plastids but despite recent progress in the field new approaches are needed to unravel this fundamental biolo...

Awarded: NOK 7.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Rogaland


Spinning out of control: Rhetoric and violent conflict. Representations of 'Self' and 'Other' in Post-Yugoslavia

We examine the preconditions for the outbreak of violence in Yugoslav republics during the state dissolution in the 1990s, the role of representations of self and other. The former Yugoslavia has experienced a number of different conflicts in which many o f the background variables--such as commo...

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Oslo

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

Genesis of B lymphomas studied by functional genomics

Background: Idiotypes (Id) are antigenic determinants in the variable regions of immunoglobulins (Ig). We have previously demonstrated that B lymphocytes partially degrade their endogenous Ig and present Id-peptides on their Major Histocompatibility Compl ex (MHC) class II molecules to CD4+ T cel...

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Nanostructured Polymer and Composite Particles: Mechanical Properties

In Norway there is a renewed interest in extending the Ugelstad method based polymer particle technology to microsystem applications by producing nanostructured (conductive) polymer and composite particles. In these applications, the characterization, ana lysis and control of mechanical propertie...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Hva fremmer og hva hemmer suksess i arbeidslivet blant arbeidsorientert minoritets- og majoritetsungdom?

Prosjektet vil følge flere ungdomskull fra grunnskole, gjennom videregående opplæring og ut i arbeidslivet. Kullene vil følges i inntil 6 år, og undersøkelsen tar sikte på å besvare spørsmålet: Hvilke faktorer fremmer og hvilke hemmer en vellykket overgan g til arbeidsmarkedet etter videregående ...

Awarded: NOK 1.3 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Touch: User-centred applications for near field communication

Mobile devices are rapidly becoming the standard access point for digital services and information*. Screens are getting bigger, applications are offering more functionality, the ubiquity of data and wireless networks means that there is a growing number of services available through the standard...

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Oslo

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Gentic approaches to complex materials

It might be argued that it is fruitful to interpret the average structure observed experimentally in disordered materials as a time and spatial average of the different local environments which are energetically accessible at a given temperature. The diff erent local structural environments corre...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2009

Location: Oslo

BEDSAM-Bedriftens samfunnsansvar

International developments, dissemination and implementation of CSR in the Norwegian clothing sector

By a trial research design this project aims to follow the Norwegian branch organisations engagement in the national and international development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to study how these processes disseminates and influences the cl othing branch in Norway at the chain and ...

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Rogaland

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Model-driven Multi-channel Mobile Work

The project is planned for 4 years from January 2006 and includes 3 PhD positions. The project leader is Professor John Krogstie (Norwegian University of Technology and Science), an established international authority on mobile information systems and inf ormation systems modelling. The two other...

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2010

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage