0 projects

IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland

Biotechnological Application of Multidrug Transporters from Bacillus cereus for the production of Secondary Metabolites in Streptomyces

Bacillus cereus and Streptomyces are soil-dwelling gram-positive bacteria. The Bacillus cereus group of bacteria has probably the highest number of sequenced train. Today 85 strains have been sequenced, and we have analysed the multidrug transporters (MDR ) in these strains. Thirty MDR genes are ...

Awarded: NOK 12,628

Project Period: 2012-2013

Location: Oslo

BEDREHELSE-Bedre helse og livskvalitet

Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to psychotropic drugs: a population-based cohort study

Paracetamol er et av de mest brukte legemidlene i svangerskapet. Likevel er det svært få studier som har sett på mulige langtidskonsekvenser for barnet. I en ny artikkel fra dette prosjektet finner forskerne at langtidsbruk av paracetamol under graviditeten kan gi risiko for uheldige effekter på ...

Awarded: NOK 3.3 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2016

Location: Oslo

KOSK-II-Katalyse og org.synt.kjemi II

Synthesis of resolvin D1 and analogs as potential anti-angiogenetic agents

Epidemiological studies have linked fat fish consumption to lower rates of several diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Fish contains high levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Recently, the potential efficacy of...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2013

Location: Oslo

KOSK-II-Katalyse og org.synt.kjemi II

Synthesis, molecular modelling and biological evaluation of protectin D1 and analogs

Inntak av omega-3-fettsyrer som eicosapentaensyre (EPA) og docosaheksaensyre (DHA) har i flere studier vist å gi positive helseeffekter. Disse omega-3-fettsyrene finnes i tran og fet fisk. De eksakte molekylære årsakene til disse positive helseeffektene e r ennå ikke klarlagt. Ny forskning utfø...

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Norway-Canada collaborative project between Brock University, Department of Chemistry and University of Oslo, School of Pharmacy

The purpose of this project is the establishment of an active research and exchange program between Brock University and University of Oslo. Specifically, the Chemistry Department and the Centre for Biotechnology at Brock University and the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Universit...

Awarded: NOK 31,000

Project Period: 2010-2010

Location: Oslo

MILPAAHEL-Miljøpåvirkning og helse

Neurodevelopmental toxicity caused by environmental exposure to phthalates and Bisphenol A

I de siste tiårene har det kommet stadig nye beviser for at miljøkjemikalier som ftalater og bisfenol A (BPA) kan føre til nevronal utviklingsskade. Man er derfor bekymret for effektene disse stoffene kan ha på nervesystemet hos fostre, spedbarn og barn. I tråd med dette har EU-kommisjonen og der...

Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Oslo

KOSK-II-Katalyse og org.synt.kjemi II

Synthesis of two polyunsaturated natural products using epa as starting material

With the advent of drug design, high throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry, medicinal chemists became less and less interested in natural products as a source for drugs. In the last two decades, medicinal chemists seemed inclined towards the ap parently more accessible synthetic produc...

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Oslo

FRISAM-Fri prosjektstøtte samfunnsvitenskap

Cultivated V kotschyana and C tinctorium, can they replace wild ones in products against gastric ulcer in Mali to retain the biodiversity?

Vernonia kotschyana and Cochlospermum tinctorium are of special interest since they are used against gastric ulcer in Mali and they form parts of formulations frequently used against gastric ulcer registered as Improved Traditional Medicines (Gastrocedal) A large proportion of the population of...

Awarded: NOK 4.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Oslo

KOSK-II-Katalyse og org.synt.kjemi II

Organic Chemistry Wintermeeting 2009

The next Organic Winter Meeting, the 24rd, will take place January 8th-11th 2009 at Thon Hotel Skeikampen, Skeikampen. This conference is the national meeting in organic chemistry in Norway, and it is held under the umbrella of the Division of Organic Che mistry of the Norwegian Chemical Society....

Awarded: NOK 64,932

Project Period: 2009-2009

Location: Oslo

KOSK-II-Katalyse og org.synt.kjemi II

Synthesis of novel activators for procaspase-3: an approach to a personalised cancer treatment

Cancer is an important public health concern around the world. Chemotherapy is no doubt one of the most successful ways in which cancer can be treated. For years, chemotherapy has been indiscriminate warfare by using chemotherapeutic agents that are toxic to both normal and cancer cells. In this...

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Period: 2008-2010

Location: Oslo

FRINAT-Matematikk og naturvitenskap

24th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Oslo 2008

The carbohydrate symposias are the main scientific meeting that is arranged within the field of carbohydrate chemistry world wide. The normal amount of participants varies between 500 and 1000. The International Carbohydrate Organisation determines where the biannual conference should be held, an...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2008-2008

Location: Oslo

FUGE-Funksjonell genomforskn.i Norg

From comparative genomics to systems biology - unravelling novel principle virulence mechanisms in pathogenic spore-forming bacteria

In the past decade, our research group has been involved in the characterization of virulence mechanisms in Bacillus cereus group bacteria. Here we propose to study two processes connected to development of resistance to antimicrobial compounds - the func tion and cellular response of multidrug r...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2007-2012

Location: Oslo

GLOBHELS-Global helse

Pectin products from Malian medicinal plants, can they combat ailments related to the immune system?

The objective of this proposal is to identify immunological active pectin polysaccharides from Malian medicinal plants, traditionally used for wound healing and combating infections such as malaria and schistosomiasis. The use of conventional medicines is too expensive for the majority of people...

Awarded: NOK 5.3 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2011

Location: Oslo



Cancer is an important public health concern around the world. Chemotherapy is no doubt one of the most successful ways in which cancer can be treated, but still there exist a need for new cancer agents. In this research proposal we will apply in situ cli ck chemistry for the identification of ne...

Awarded: NOK 45,000

Project Period: 2006-2007

Location: Oslo

FRIMUF-Miljø- og utviklingsforskning

Sårhelende planter fra Mali med hovedvekt på planter brukt i Kogonland, Mali. Utenlandsstipend


Awarded: NOK 45,000

Project Period: 2004-2004

Location: Oslo

FARM-Farmakologisk, farmasøytisk forskning

Pharmacological characterization of Erk as a molecular switch between apoptosis and survival in cultured cerebellar granule neurons


Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Period: 2003-2010

Location: Oslo

FARM-Farmakologisk, farmasøytisk forskning

Farmakologisk karakterisering av vekstfaktoreffekter på transkripsjonsfaktor og apoptoseinitiator NGFI-B

NGFI-B er medlem i steroid/thyroid reseptor-familien (nukleær-reseptor-familien), og blir indusert i PC12-celler av nervevekstfaktor (NGF, derav navnet NGFI-B) og en rekke andre vekstfaktorer, bl.a. EGF. NGFI-B induserer apoptose ved å translokere til mit okondriene og fremme cytokrom c frisettin...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2002-2005

Location: Oslo

SUP-NHD-Strategiske UoH-progr.fin.NHD

Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis: comparative genomics and functional analysis

This project aims at advancing the current state of the art by: 1) Revealing the control mechanisms for expression of PlcR, to clarify whether additional factors are involved in transcriptional control of the PlcR-regulated genes and of plcR itself, to identify additional genes under PlcR regulat...

Awarded: NOK 10.1 mill.

Project Period: 2002-2011

Location: Oslo

MATPROG-Matprogrammet: Norsk mat fra sjø og land

Kartlegging og analyse av en viktig forurenser i næringsmidler: Bacillus cereus

En viktig faktor i kampen for å bedre matvaresikkerhet er å øke vår kunnskap om og forståelse av bakterier og bakterieforurensere i næringsmidler - for derved bedre å kunne forebygge og sette inn mer spesifikke tiltak.Bacillus cereus er en av de vanligste bakteriene som forurenser matvarer og me...

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Project Period: 2001-2007

Location: Oslo