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MARE-Marine ressurser,miljø og forv

Models of optimal energy allocation, maturation strategies and skipped spawning in cod,

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Prosject summary: Prosject summary: Recently, life-history theory has evolved from dealing only with fairly simple optimisation problems to a more advanced state where density-dependence and stochastic (feed-back) enviroments are included. We will develop models of cod growth as a function of food ration, size and allocation of energy between various uses. The models will vary in complexity, from simple growth models to optimisation models and adaptive dynamics. Our aim is to clarify how various constraints on the biology of cod affect the ir risk-taking and patterns of energy allocation, with particular emphasize on the role of body reserves and physiological constraints on growth. We intend to apply the life-history models to find optimal reaction norms as a function of body size, condit ion (liver energy) and the seasonal cycle, and in population models we will explore how the reaction norm interacts with environmental varability and population structure to generate recruitment variability. Constraints on the physiology of cod will be added in accordance with previous experiments, and the predictions from the models will be compared with data from field and laboratory.

Funding scheme:

MARE-Marine ressurser,miljø og forv

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