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BIOEVO-Evolusjonsbiologi og økologi

Plural approaches in evolutionary biology: the adaptive significance of sex

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

This project attends a recent methodological development within evolutionary biology, i.e., the introduction of so-called pluralistic approaches, in which one attempts to explain evolutionary traits as phenomena emerging from a possibly complex interplay between different causal factors and processes. This typically involves the use of agent-based modelling. We plan to examine the strengths and limitations of pluralistic approaches to the so-called "Queen of problems in evolutionary theory", the evolutio nof sex. The adaptive significance of this trait is important in its own right, but also because of its wider implications. In the history of biology it is closely connected to the "unit of selection" question and thu s also to the reductionist debate. A pluralistic approach may on the one hand match the complexity of nature. However, because of the novel character of the methodology (possibly in conflict with classical scientific norms of testability and simplicity) t here is a need for assessing what kind of knowledge complex system theories and models may provide. The analysis will be profoundly theoretical, drawing upon the biological, philosophical and complex system theory literature.

Funding scheme:

BIOEVO-Evolusjonsbiologi og økologi

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