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Kina - Develop research projects with academics in China:Business Ethics and Corporate Accountability in China

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2005 - 2007

Funding received from:


Develop a research project: Business Ethics and Corporate Accountability (see attachment) Research hypothesis: The pressure to initiate CSR driven management tools in China according to models known in the US and Europe may be futile or even counterpro ductive. There is another danger too: namely, that CSR will distract attention from genuine problems of business ethics that do need to be addressed. However, adopting models from other corporations in the West may not be the ideal solution. Therefore, r esearching the development of business ethics and corporate accountability in China in view of particular CSR developments in the rest of the world is of utmost importance. This pre-project aims to identify in greater detail the research questions, the methods to apply and to structure the project according to a project plan. This will be important when seeking further research funding. Necessary: to organize meetings both in China and in Norway among researchers interested in the project.

Funding scheme:


Thematic Areas and Topics

No thematic area or topic related to the project