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INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

Project initiation on Tranformer Management btween SINTEF and Hydro Quebec

Awarded: NOK 75,000

SINTEF Energy Research has allready an echange of results with IREQ. Plans were laid to strengthen this collaboration in a KMB-project that was planned started in 2005. As this application was turned down the collaboration has cooled down. SINTEF Energy Resaerch and NTNU are internationally leading on research on transformer insulation. IREQ is the laboratory of Hydro Quebec with a yearly budget of 1 billion NOK and are one of the largest and technolgy leading utility labs worldwide. We now want to r un a colloquium together with IREQ in Montreal. They have allready visited Norway in 2003. To the colloqium we will invite Norwegian partners, and if IREQ accepts also EDF and ABB. The colloqium will serve two purposes: exchange of results and discussion of strategies and plands for future collaboration. Direct exchange of experience on the utility side is also an important element in the colloqium. The funding applied for will cover the travel costs for 4 researchers on a 4-5 day event.

Funding scheme:

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

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