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Japan- Electrolysis for sustainable development - New technologies for molten salts and for restoration of Lake Biwa

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

1. 3rd KIFEE Symposium. Help in preparing the program for "Electrolysis Systems" and participate in the 3rd KIFEE Symposium to be held in Japan in 2007. 2. Lake Biwa. An ambitious research program has been proposed to clean up Lake Biwa by adding oxygen by in-situ electrolysis. Electricity will be produced by solar cells. Hydroegn from the cathodes will be used for fuel cells. The whole project, if successful, can serve as an excellent example of a sustainable energy system. Results from this project can also be used for similar tasks in Norway, where we face similar problems of eutrophication. We have started up laboratory experiments for the study of the kinetics of oxygen formation in electrolytes having similar electrical conductivities as Lake Biwa . A physical model of Lake Biwa was built in 2006, and it will be upgraded so that we also can demonstrate in-situ supply of dissolved oxygen. 3. Special alloys and titanium. Establish contact with University of Tokyo for the exchange of students and for starting up research collaboration within the field of production of titanium and special alloys by electrolysis in molten salts. Start up experimental activities for studying possibilities for producing high quality Al-Sc alloys. 4. Smart anodes for el ectrowinning This research field was singled out during the 2nd KIFEE Symposium. Electrolysis processes for metal production both in aqueous solutions and molten salts must employ anodes which are inert and dimensionally stable over long time. In most cas es oxygen or chlorine will be produced at the anode. This area is of great importance both for Japanese and Norwegian research and industry. 5. Project proposals Joint project proposals will be written. Emphasis will be put on the Lake Biwa project. We h ope to establish collaboration with Lake Biwa Environmenta Research Institute, Kyoto University, Doshisha University and Tokyo University.

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