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Japan - Network for investigations of radiation and light soaking stability of Si based materials, solar cells and related devices

Awarded: NOK 50,000

The overall motivation for the microelectronic and in particular for the photovoltaic industry is to produce devices, which can be stable for several years against radiation (electron, proton, neutron, light exposure). This goal can be reached using a cos t effective modification of already existing technologies and by an implementation of the nanotechnology. The goal of the proposal is to build a network to find optimum solutions for this problem. In addition to this goal some preliminary investigations to verify established in previous investigations possibility to enhance the radiation stability of different Si based materials (n-/p-type Si, Cz/FZ/multi Si) and different devices (solar cells/detectors etc.) using the saturation of the materials and dev ices by hydrogen from a low-temperature plasma will be done. The influence of the radiation on the hydrogenated Si bulk material and on hydrogenated interfaces will be preliminary studied also. On the basis on already existing experience and obtained resu lts a strategical scientific program for the future investigations will be proposed and a network, which will include the Japan Atomic Energy agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Renewable Energy Corporation (Norway). As a final result and a s the next step of the proposed project, the application for a bigger project in a collaboration with the Japan Atomic Energy agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Renewable Energy Corporation (Norway) will be prepared.

Funding scheme:


Thematic Areas and Topics

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