The Arctic system can be described as a contradiction. It is multifaceted and robust, yet very vulnerable to environmental influences from the rest of the world. It has been described as one of Europe's last wilderness areas and has, as such, an intrinsic value. It is also a natural laboratory for science and an early warning area for climate change where the ecologcial system is facing severe challenges. We want to shed a light on the biotic and abiotic systems of the Arctic in a co-ordinated presentatio n.
The Norwegian Polar Institute represents the knowledge base of the project. Partners are the Institute for Marine Research and TVIBIT Youth Centre and relevant IPY research projects such as IAOOS, COPOL, MEOP, Bear Health, Bird Health and SciencePub.
The project will continously be presented as part of the IPY Outreach, Education and Communication activities. The general public, including youths 14-16 years of age, are the main target group. The media's role will be intermediate in bringing the mess age through to the target groups. The project leader has established contact with several national media channels.
There are a number of interesting Internet sites focusing on the Arctic or parts of it. However, there are none which present the Arctic as an integrated system. Also, there is need for an easily accessible booklet presenting the Arctic biotic and abiotic systems, which can be handed out to Norwegian and foreign media, pupils and students, decision makers and the general public. These will b e two of the pillars of this project. Other outputs will be film stock shots, works of art and graphic illustrations which will be made avaliabe for the same target groups. School presentations in motivating surroundings are also instruments which will be used to create awareness about the Arctic system.