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"From ten to one" - multi property cooperation for personal forest owners in the coastal forestry

Awarded: NOK 4.4 mill.

Det har ikke vært rapportert på engelsk tidligere i "Fra ti til en" ettersom dette feltet ikke har vært her da. Derfor blir dette ikke gjort i denne rapporteringen heller. Isteden er det skrevet en engelsk presentasjon for hele prosjektperioden. Den engel ske presentasjonen er tatt inn på slutten av vedlegget til "Resultatrapport" i sluttrapportens del. Det gir at vedlegget blir lengre enn de 2-4 sidene som ble oppgitt at sluttrapporten (norsk) skulle være. Imidlertid synes en slik løsning mest fruktbar gi tt de begrensinger og bestilt innhold som nettskjema-løsningen gir og har.

The Norwegian forest ownership has a fragmented structure. There are ca. 116 300 personal owned forest properties, and the average forest property in this category is 45 haa. The counties included in the coastal forest area have roughly the same number of forest properties as the remaining inland counties, but the average property size is smaller and strip forestry is more common. Some groups of forest owners have a rather low level of forestry knowledge. The demands to the forestry sector will not be red uced in the future and the cost of acquiring a satisfactory level of competence will increase. According to the Norwegian forest policy, the forestry sector is to contribute to the climate, the preservation of biodiversity, creation of economic values a nd maintaining living communities in the rural areas. But the public forest service has been reduced, and very little has been done to adjust the structure of the forest properties. The present structure with a number of small properties becomes a basi c premise for future actions. This KMB project on multi property cooperation for all types of personal forest owners in the coastal area, is approaching these problems. The cooperation could be a moderate restructuring of the forest properties which can be implemented on a relatively short notice. By activating the many forest owners, the complex political objectives can be reached. The project findings will provide practical and political insights on how to utilize in various ways, the great forest res ources, the increment and increasing area in the coastal counties. The results will also be relevant for other parts of Norway. Actors in the Coastal Forestry Project will implement four multi property cooperative projects in their area which are to be followed up by trailing research. A complex set of data will be collected through informal talks, interviews, both face to face and by telephone, by participant observations and the use of questionnaires.

Funding scheme:
