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eVITA Winter Schools 2011-2015

Awarded: NOK 1.3 mill.

This years winter school was held January 18-23 2015, in Geilo, Norway. The theme for this years school was uncertainty quantification for physical phenomena. The school consisted of six lectures every day, separated by a long mid-day break for social activities, and a three course common dinner in the evening. During the week over 40 participants were given an introduction to uncertainty quantification from six national and international lecturers. The lectures covered statistical methods, non-linear conservation laws, polynomial chaos, error estimation, adaptive methods, proxy models, and practical use of uncertainty quantification. In addition to the lectures, there was also a poster session in which participants and lecturers could present their work to each other and make new contacts. The lecture material and posters are available on the winter school webpages,

The project will organize an annual series of winter schools on selected topics within the eSciences. The schools are primarily aimed at graduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral students, but are also open for advanced undergraduate students and senior resea rchers. The purpose of the meeting series is to establish an annual meeting place where young researchers can get updated on new ideas, methods and theories within the eScience field and collaborate and exchange ideas and experience. Each winter school w ill last one week, from Sunday afternoon to lunch on Friday, and will consist of 24-30 lectures, 45 minutes each. The lectures will focus on advanced methods and theories in computational mathematics, statistics, and/or computer science that are relevant to a wide range of applications of national interest. A new topic will be chosen each year by a scientific committee. Venue for the winter schools is Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, where SINTEF has organized a series of similar winter schools for the past ten years. Tentative dates are Week 4 in 2011-2015. Hence, there will be ample opportunities for outdoor activities (skiing) during the mid-day breaks.

Funding scheme:
