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Ownership type, performance and the context: the study of institutional and industrial owners

Awarded: NOK 61,000

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Project Period:

2014 - 2014

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In the joint research project we try to answer the question, which was in the loop of academic research during the last 50 years both in finance and strategic management literature: how ownership type influences the performance of the organization. The pr evious empirical evidence provided inconclusive results and we try to solve this puzzle by arguing that the effect of ownership type on performance is likely to be contingent on industry and competitive context, as the monitoring efficiency and knowledge/ resources provided by each ownership type will vary contingent on characteristics of the competitive environment. Overall my doctoral dissertation will include three academic articles, and I plan to work on two of those during the research stay at WHU in collaboration with Prof. Thomas Hutzschenreuter. Firstly, the plan is to further develop theoretical part of two papers. Thomas possesses deep knowledge of the theoretical domain and our collaboration will definitely improve the coherence of the theoretic al arguments in both papers. Secondly, advanced statistical analysis, including IV endogeneity tests, will be performed in collaboration with other members of the Corporate Strategy and Governance group at WHU. Thirdly, combining German and Norwegian data will enable to obtain more significant and reliable results and simultaneously increase the external validity of the studies. Finally, WHU has very strong team doing research in the field of strategy. Staying at WHU would benefit greatly to bring me to the research frontier, to familiarize with the research environment at a top strategy department, and to help to generate research network for further collaboration. The expected final result of the joint project is two scientific publications in the top journals within the field of strategy and finance based on the described two studies.

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Thematic Areas and Topics

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