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Scholarship application for double degree programme at Mannheim University

Awarded: NOK 70,000

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2015

Funding received from:

Subject Fields:

From the webiste of NHH: A double degree is first and foremost for determined and motivated students who wish to challenge themselves academically. Students follow a set programme that fulfils the academic requirements for the Master degree at both NHH a nd the partner institution. By completion of this double degree programme you will be awarded both the NHH MSc in Economics and Business Administration and the MMM - Mannheim Master in Management (MSc). MMM - "Mannheim Master in Management" is a tradem ark and an ideal prerequisite for a successful career in economy and research. Students in the Mannheim Master in Management are provided with a unique programme offer which allows for a flexible design of the study plan through its numerous areas of teac hing and research: Accounting & Taxation, Banking, Finance & Insurance, Management, Marketing, Operations Management.

Funding scheme:


Thematic Areas and Topics

No thematic area or topic related to the project