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NHH-Mannheim exchange program for the spring semester 2014

Awarded: NOK 35,000

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2014

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Subject Fields:

I am applying for the Ruhrgas as a Master student enrolled in the exchange program at NHH-Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Mannheim. I am applying for the spring semester of 2014. Upon completion of this program I will receive one mast er degree: NHH MSc. in Economics and Business Administration. The program consists of a major profile taken at NHH and a minor profile taken in Mannheim. Since my major is in Financial Economics, and therefore I have so far a majority of such subjects. The classes I will attend at the University will be unlimited, but my plan is to choose accounting and management related subjects. An important motivation for this choice is that I want to get a wider economic base, and I believe that this will help me i n my working life. I will do five subjects this semester.

Funding scheme:


Thematic Areas and Topics

No thematic area or topic related to the project