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UV-B mot soppsjukdommer i plasttunneler og veksthus (UV-Bær)

Alternative title: UV-B against fungal diseases in plastic tunnels and greenhouses (UV-Bær)

Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Knowledge based on use of ultraviolet radiation (UV-B and UV-C) against powdery mildews developed in previous projects and in the present project, have been used to further develop means to control powdery mildews and other important diseases in high plastic tunnels and greenhouses. In UV-Bær, UV has been combined with specific wavelengths of visible light, and the knowledge has been implemented in strawberry, raspberry, tomato and spice herbs. The project was owned by Myhrene AS in Lier, and additionally three other companies were part of the project. UV-Bær started in March 2015 and was finalized in December 2017. In the growing seasons 2015, 2016 and 2017 systematic assessments of plant diseases have been carried out in greenhouses/plastic tunnels at the four farms involved in the project. A prototype of a UV boom with sensors for distance regulation was developed at NMBU. A UV boom moving horisontally over the plant canopy was mounted at Kryddergarden AS in Rogaland. The boom included sensors for distance regulation. Due to some problems maintaining the correct distance to the plants, the boom height was for the most time regulated manually. The effect of the UV treatments was very good at Kryddergarden, and there was a 70-80 % reduction in powdery mildew. At Kjær Gartneri in Vestfold, static UV lamps were used to control powdery mildew in tomato, with approximately 80% reduction in powdery mildew compared to the untreated. Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology at NMBU has developed an automated robotic platform, and UV light was mounted on the unit. The platform moves around based on GPS signals. It was run at Myhrene AS in August and September 2016, and in June to September 2017. It provided a reduction in powdery mildew with approximately 80 %, in «table top» production of strawberry. In 2016 the robot was equiped with UV-B lamps. To speed up the treatment efficacy, UV-C lamps were used in 2017. Most of the focus in UV-Bær is on effects of UV on powdery mildew. Preliminary trials have been carried out with grey mould, with good effect. Trials with different plastic covering materials to study UV transmission and trials studying the effects of red light have been carried out and continue in close collaboration with scientists in USA (Cornell University in New York, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and Gulf Coast Research & Education Center at University of Florida). In Florida and South Carolina, tractor mounted equipment for UV has been developed, and field trials have been carried out in commercial strawberry fields and at University of Florida. At Cornell University, three greenhouse units have been equiped with stationary UV/light for studies of disease and pest control. Experiments with variation in spectral distribution and light intensity and effects on UV treatments on powdery mildew have been carried out at NMBU. Conclusions are that the spectrum and the daily light integral may interfer with the plant toleranse of UV. This is important information for practical adaptation of UV doses. Researchers, advisors and growers involved in UV-Bær are also partners in several other projects where the use of UV light and visible light are important components, complementing the work in the present project. These projects include UV-Bio (RCN, 2016-2019), VeksthusDynamikk (RCN, 2013-2016), GoodBerry (EU, 2016-2019) and two projects financed by US Department of Agriculture (USDA). These projects include basic research, research on effects of UV light on beneficial insects/mites and practical adaptation of UV light in integrated and organic production. There is a close collaboration between UV-Bær and UV-Bio on developing equipment and grower involvement.

Meldugg og gråskimmel er viktige soppsjukdommer i plasttunneler og veksthus og kan gi betydelige avlingstap. Meldugg alene er estimert til å gi et årlig avlingstap på 10 % i jordbær produsert i plasttunneler, men i enkelte år og hos enkelte produsenter kan tapet være mye større. Ultrafiolett B (UV-B) stråling sammen med rødt lys har vist seg å være meget effektivt mot meldugg i veksthuskulturer, og i UV-Bær vil vi tilpasse denne teknologien til bruk i høye plasttunneler. Samtidig ønsker vi å bruke UV-B til bekjempelse av gråskimmel og andre soppsjukdommer i plasttunneler og veksthus. Innovasjonen i prosjektet er å utvikle en bevegelig bom som skal tilpasses dyrking av jordbær og bringebær i plasttunneler og tomat og kryddervekster i veksthus. Det skal arbeides med UV-B, lyskvaliteter, reflektorer og reflekterende materiale. Prosjekteier Myhrene AS er en viktig tilbyder av teknologi og infrastruktur til norsk og nordisk hagebruksproduksjon, spesielt systemer for dyrking i høye plasttunneler. Det er lagt planer for realisering av innovasjonen i prosjektet. Prosjektet har også en betydelig forskningskomponent som inkluderer samspillet mellom lyskvalitet, UV-B, fuktighet og forekomsten av meldugg. Videre skal detaljerte studier av virkningen av UV-B og lyskvaliteter mot gråskimmel og andre soppsjukdommer foretas i laboratorium og vekstrom. Forskningsarbeidet er nødvendig for å tilpasse bruken av UV-B til praktiske dyrkingsforhold. Forskergruppen i prosjektet som består av forskere ved NMBU, Bioforsk og fra New York i USA, har gjort et pionerarbeid for å øke den grunnleggende forståelsen av hvordan daglengde, lyskvaliteter og ultrafiolett stråling påvirker meldugg i mange veksthuskulturer. Samtidig er teknologien gradvis blitt prøvd i praktisk dyrking. Gruppen inkluderer ekspertise innen plantebiologi, plantepatologi, landbruksteknikk og lysteknologi. UV-Bær vil bidra til å gjøre norsk hagebruksproduksjon mindre avhengig av kjemisk plantevern og dermed mer miljøvennlig.

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