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Riktig Emballering for Redusert Matsvinn

Alternative title: Right Packaging for Reduced Foodwaste

Awarded: NOK 5.7 mill.

Develop packaging technologies for increased product quality and optimal shelf life. Vegetables Two trials are conducted with cauliflower and broccoli packaged in different packaging materials, stored at two conditions. Unpackaged cauliflower and broccoli had a weight loss between 7 and 27% depending on time and storage conditions. Packaged products had insignificant weight loss, firmer texture and cauliflower had better leaf quality. Storage temperature had the greatest effect on the development of rot in broccoli and black spots on cauliflower heads. In order to achieve good product quality as long as possible, product-adapted packaging and cold storage are recommended throughout the distribution chain. Meat product An important issue for food waste from cold cuts is leakages in packages causing discoloration and shorter shelf life. Challenges related to discoloration has resulted in continuous review of packaging processes, machines, materials and packaged products. This evaluation is continuing, in addition to collection of packages from retail stores with visible product defects in order to identify the cause of discoloration. A storage experiment with dried meat products is being conducted, aiming at testing the use of recyclable packaging materials. Fresh seafood products Two tests have been performed based on the initial test on packaging of mixed product / different types of raw materials, which require different atmospheres. Packaging gases are tested and measurement of atmospheric changes during storage has been measured. The final test also included microbiological analyzes and sensory assessment. The conclusion is that new packaging method for this product provides increased shelf life. Packaging concepts adapted to Consumers requirements A web-based consumer study has been conducted on packaging of fruit/vegetables, sushi and salami. Consumers? choice of packaging is analyzed in light of socio-demographic parameters, attitudes to food waste and buying habits. Information in the form of a single label on the product had a positive impact on choosing better packaging. A new study is under planning with focus on salad packaging of different types and sizes adapted to the household and meal situation. Environmental analyses Mapping the life cycle of the products, including packaging, collecting data on all resource use and emissions in the products life cycle have been performed for meat products, sushi, Poke, cauliflower, broccoli and Juanita cherry tomatoes grown in Norway. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment for sushi show that production of the food contributes the most and emissions associated to packaging materials are significant. LCA of Poke are to be completed in late November. For meat products, a climate indicator has been created, which also forms the basis for calculating an average climate footprint for Grilstads products. Focus on color defect and performed tests in relation to packaging process has resulted in a significant reduction in the waste and based on the climate footprints, reduced climate impact related to the food waste is calculated. The broccoli results show that the production phase is the single largest contributor GHG emissions. Packaging material contribute significantly to GHG for broccoli but less for cauliflower. Food waste of broccoli in store are small whereas cauliflower losses are substantially higher. Consumers contribute to a significant food waste rate of broccoli and cauliflower. Food waste prevention in all life cycle stages has proven to be an effective mean to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated to the production, distribution and consumption of broccoli. Cauliflower and Juanita tomatoes yields the same findings as for broccoli, indicating that on an environmental level means to reduce carbon footprint and other environmental impact categories are more or less the same. Communications and Dissemination The project has been presented in several national and international conferences/seminars in 2017. Manager for WP3 environmental assessments, Simon A. Saxegård, presented an LCA of cauliflower including the environmental effect of packaging and food waste reduction at Gartner 2017. The Project coordinator for the research section, Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, was an invited speaker at an international conference in Germany in October 2017 and results from the project was presented. She has also had articles on print in different newpapers (eg Aftenposten). The project hosted a seminar on 28 September in connection with the Research Days in Oslo. This was arranged at FoodTech with great participation and interest from the industry. During the second part of 2017, REforReM has been featured in 59 newspapers/debate posts/articles according to Retriever, in addition several articles in trade magazines. Project coordinator has also participated in the "Brille" knowledge program and in some radio program.

Prosjektets overordnete ide er å bidra til redusert matsvinn gjennom å utvikle og utnytte emballeringsteknologi og pakketekniske løsninger som er tilpasset forbrukernes adferd og behov ut fra et svinnreduserende ståsted. Prosjektet skal bidra til verdiskaping og økt kunnskap ved å studere effekt av nye emballeringsløsninger for å bevare produktkvalitet, oppnå optimal holdbarhet og ivareta ulike kunders behov. Målet er å redusere matsvinnet som kan tilskrives emballeringsløsningen, primært hos forbrukere. Dette skal oppnås gjennom: - Utvikling av teknisk optimale og forbrukervennlige emballeringsløsninger - Valg av teknologiske løsninger og mest mulig bærekraftige emballasjematerialer som ivaretar alle emballasjens funksjoner samtidig som produktet aksepteres og forbrukes Kompleksiteten for emballering av ulike produkter som krever spesifikke løsninger utfra faktorer som bl.a. respirasjon, krav til rest-oksygen i pakninger og variasjon av råvarekvalitet vil også innebære FoU-utfordringer. Kunnskap som skal genereres i prosjektet vil kunne utnyttes til tilpasning av nye emballasjeløsninger for ulike produkter og dermed bidra til betydelig reduksjon av mengden matsvinn. I tillegg til innovasjon i bedrift, tar prosjektet et innovativt grep ved å bruke kunnskap om hvordan emballasjerelatert matsvinn hos forbruker kan gi innspill til bedriftsinnovasjoner.

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