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Ny bruk av grønnsaker i sunne og bærekraftige kjøttprodukter

Alternative title: Ny bruk av grønnsaker i sunne og bærekraftige kjøttprodukter

Awarded: NOK 5.7 mill.

The overall idea of the GRØNTiKJØTT (Greens-in-meat) project is to develop sustainable and healthy everyday products consisting of minced meat with a high proportion of vegetables. We are now seeing a trend where consumers are becoming more conscious of what they eat and where institutional households and canteens are focusing on healthier options with more vegetables and less red meat. This is also in accordance with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR). To meet these recommendations, the meat industry has to think beyond traditional products. This project will contribute to the development of a new category of processed meat products, nutritionally optimal and with health advantages, based on scientific knowledge. The project will deliver appropriate commodity combinations and processing technology that will provide the companies with a knowledge base for development of safe, tasty and healthy combination products with Norwegian produced vegetables and meat. This research project will provide new knowledge about the products` health-related quality. In 2016, the project owner Jæder Ådne Espeland AS launched a new concept, +Grønt, and the first product for the commercial marked, a meatball with 33 % vegetables. The Minister of Agriculture and Food Minister Jon Georg Dale participated in the launch, which was covered by press and TV2 news. In 2017, two more + Green products were launched on the market, a coarse sausage with 37% vegetables and chicken meatballs with 33% vegetables. All products contain cauliflower sorted out during deep freezing process due to size. Products with up to 50 % vegetables have been produced in pilot scale, showing the potential for using different vegetables and waste residues in meat products. With this, Jæder Ådne Espeland AS has been a pioneer company, and through this BIONÆR project created a new category of food products in Norway. During the launch of the Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet (2017-2021), the GRØNTiKJØTT project was mentioned as a good example of the food companies? contribution to change and new thinking. There is also a section about the GRØNTiKJØTT project in this new Action Plan.

Den overordnede idéen for «GRØNTiKJØTT» er å utvikle bærekraftige og sunne hverdagsprodukter bestående av kvernet kjøtt med en høy andel (opp til 49 %) grønnsaker. Vi ser nå en trend hvor forbrukere blir mer bevisst på hva de spiser, og at storhusholdningen satser på sunnere alternativer med mer grønnsaker og mindre rødt kjøtt. Dette samsvarer med Helsedirektoratets anbefalinger. For å imøtekomme disse kravene må kjøttbransjen tenke utover tradisjonelle produkter. Derfor ønsker vi å utvikle en ny kategori bearbeidede kjøttprodukter som er ernæringsmessig optimale og har helsefortrinn bygget på forskningsbasert kunnskap. Prosjektet skal komme fram til egnede råvarekombinasjoner og prosesseringsteknologi som vil gi de involverte bedriftene en kunnskapsbase for videre utvikling av trygge, smakfulle og sunne blandingsprodukter med norske råvarer. Forskning skal fremskaffe ny kunnskap om produktenes helsefortrinn.

Funding scheme:
