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The Salmon Planner

Alternative title: Lakseplanleggeren - optimeringsbasert programvare for produksjonsplanlegging i lakseoppdrett

Awarded: NOK 2.8 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2016 - 2017

Funding received from:


Production plans in the salmon farming industry is currently produced mostly through a process of iterative simulations, where planners simulate various scenarios and then compare the different scenarios to find the best. However, this in no way ensure that the chosen scenario is a good production plan, only that it is the best of the ones the planner has chosen to simulate. With Optimeering Aquas optimization based software, based on several years of research from the Institute of Industrial Economics at NTNU, the planners can find the best production plan given the limits the planner defines. Experienced production schedulers can with this software to a much greater extent explore the possible production regimes and find the best plan. "From egg to harvest - Integrated optimization of production planning for aquaculture" will verify that Optimeering Aqua's optimization-based production planning model generates production plans with a profit that minimum is 8% higher than what planners manage to achieve with their current planning tools.

Funding scheme: