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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Avansert kontroll av biocidutlekking fra bunnstoff

Alternative title: Advanced control of the release of biocides in antifouling coatings

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2016 - 2019



Biofouling occurs as soon as an object is immersed in a marine environment. Biofouling is a complex process: The fouling process starts with a conditioning film followed by microfouling. After a while, macrofouling such as algae, barnacles, mussels and hydroids colonize the object. The amount and type of fouling that will occur depends on the location, the temperature of the seawater and the amount of nutrients available. The risk of fouling is larger close to the coast and on static objects. If fouling occurs on a vessel, this will lead to increased frictional drag and thus increased fuel consumption. Increased fuel consumption not only increases the transport cost, but also leads to increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the environment. Therefore, it is extremely important to use an efficient antifouling coating in order to prevent fouling and minimize fuel consumption and emissions to the air. It is also important to prevent the spreading of indigenous species. There are various technologies available in the market. 90 to 95% of the world fleet uses biocidal containing antifouling coatings. The biocides are used in order to prevent fouling. The use of biocides is highly regulated. In Europe, this is regulated under Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012). Extensive testing is needed in order to get approval of the use of biocides and to determine the minimum effect they have on the environment. The goal is always to use a minimum amount of biocides in an antifouling product. In commercial products used today, the release rate of the biocides is controlled by the degradation rate of the antifouling coating, the solubility of the biocide and the diffusion rate of the biocide in the coating. These parameters are being investigated in the project. New materials are being developed and tested in order to achieve an improved control of the release rate of the biocides. The materials developed in the project are being evaluated in antifouling paint, and the release rate of the biocides is measured under different conditions. It is also investigated how the other components in the paint can be altered to fully exploit the properties of the new materials and how to optimise the process for making paints with these. Testing is conducted both in a controlled environment in the laboratory and in field tests on rafts and ships.

Selv om hovedmålet om selektiv utlekking av biocid ikke ble oppnådd, har det blitt vist at det er mulig å kapsle inn biocid til bruk i bunnstoff. Enkelte av de testede kapslene viste forbedret lagringsstabilitet, og dette kan bli relevant å utforske videre i andre produktutviklingsprosjekter. Metoden for kvantifisering av biocid i maling har vist seg nyttig og vil bli benyttet i andre produktutviklingsprosjekter slik at de nye produktene utnytter biocidene optimalt og dermed oppnår en miljøgevinst.

Prosjektet angår bunnstoff for bruk på fartøyer og andre installasjoner i sjøvann. Marin begroing starter så snart et objekt plasseres i sjøvann. En effektiv bunnstoff vil hindre begroing og dermed bidra til redusert drivstofforbruk og utslipp av drivhusgasser. Hensikten med prosjektet er å utvikle innovative og miljøvennlige bunnstoff som reduserer bruk av biocider gjennom en mer kontrollert utlekkingsmekanisme for biocidene. Ulike strategier som vil åpne for mer effektive bunnstoff vil bli anvendt for å oppnå dette. De nye malingene vil føre til reduserte utslipp av biocider, mindre utslipp av drivhusgasser og reduserte driftskostnader for sluttbruker. Prosjektet vil bidra til å styrke Jotuns posisjon i dette markedet.

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Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2