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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Shipping 4.0 - Internet of Services at Sea

Alternative title: Shipping 4.0 - Tjenestenes Internett Til Sjøs

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2016 - 2016



Industry 4.0 has been defined as "a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization" which draws together Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services. Shipping has transformed itself in a similar manner as production industry from introduction of the steam engine (1), diesel engines (2), automation (3) and now Cyber physical systems. We call this "Shipping 4.0". The production industry and Shipping have very similar drivers for change. Boston Consulting Group, in their definition of Industry 4.0, have listed 9 main drivers or components which represents the "essence" of Industry 4.0. Here we have modified this list to show a few more elements applicable to shipping: Robotics; Simulation; System Integration; Internet of things; Cyber Security; Internet of Services; Cloud Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems; Augmented Reality and Big Data Analytics. The main project will look at how large scale data in ship management organisations are defined, collected and processed in order to provide a range of services, defined as "Internet of services at sea". These services include Improved in-house data analytics (Trends and statistics, Possibilities for data sharing); Customer Empowerment (Digital platform for performance monitoring, noon reporting/current status, customized data sets); From external requirements to internal operation (e.g. Shipping KPI); Process Improvement (Benchmarking, Operating Model); Automated data registration and reporting (Port State Reporting) and Voluntary Quality Monitoring and Management (to reduce number of commercial inspections, Improvement of ISM and optimised premiums on basis of accurate risk assessment data). The aim is to create a digital platform for data capture and processing under which the abovementioned services can be realised through a selection of business cases involving the project partners.

Industry 4.0 has been defined as "a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization" which draws together Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services. Shipping has transformed itself in a similar manner as production industry from introduction of the steam engine (1), diesel engines (2), automation (3) and now Cyber physical systems. We call this "Shipping 4.0". The production industry and Shipping have very similar drivers for change. Boston Consulting Group, in their definition of Industry 4.0, have listed 9 main drivers or components which represents the "essence" of Industry 4.0. Here we have modified this list to show a few more elements applicable to shipping: Robotics; Simulation; System Integration; Internet of things; Cyber Security; Internet of Services; Cloud Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems; Augmented Reality and Big Data Analytics. The main project will look at how large scale data in ship management organisations are defined, collected and processed in order to provide a range of services, defined as "Internet of services at sea". These services include Improved in-house data analytics (Trends and statistics, Possibilities for data sharing); Customer Empowerment (Digital platform for performance monitoring, noon reporting/current status, customized data sets); From external requirements to internal operation (e.g. Shipping KPI); Process Improvement (Benchmarking, Operating Model); Automated data registration and reporting (Port State Reporting, Greenhouse Gas Reporting) and Voluntary Quality Monitoring and Management (to reduce number of commercial inspections, Improvement of ISM and optimised premiums on basis of accurate risk assessment data). The aim is to create a digital platform for data capture and processing under which the abovementioned services can be realised through a selection of business cases involving the project partners.

Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2