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One-Day Conference on Corporate Finance

Awarded: NOK 50,000

Project Number:


Project Period:

2017 - 2017

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The conference was organized to share and develop knowledge at the research frontier between internationally renowned scholars and the finance faculty at NHH. Five invited scholars of high international standing to presented research on various topics within the field of corporate finance: Daniel Ferreira, London School of Economics, discussed the impact of introduction of corporate board quotas on director turnover; Mariassunta Giannetti, Stockholm School of Economics, presented research showing that short-horizon investors can be good for firm performance; Michelle Lowry, Drexel University, discussed research showing that mutual funds increasingly invests in private firms, which may make it less important for these firms to go public; Gordon Phillips, Dartmouth College, examined the importance of firm integration to the outcomes of mergers and acquisitions; and Oliver Spalt, Tilburg University, discussed the impact of top management team diversity on stock returns. The papers were held in an informal seminar-like setting, with questions and discussion by the audience.

Vi har invitert seks svært anerkjente forskere til å presentere forskningsarbeider: Gordon Phillips, Dartmouth; Francesca Cornelli, London Business School; Victoria Ivashina, Harvard Business School; Kelly Shu, University of Chicago; og Amit Seru, University of Chicago. Hver presentasjon vil være en time lang og vil bli holdt som et seminar der vi inviterer til at publikum/konferansedeltakerne aktivt stiller spørsmål og diskuterer forskningen som presenteres. Vi har en gang før arrangert en konferanse av lignende format, i november 2015 (og er takknemlige for støtten vi fikk fra Finansmarkedsfondet den gangen). Konferansen var en suksess; vi fikk tilbakemelding fra både foredragsholderne, eksterne gjester og fagstaben på NHH om at dette var en svært god konferanse med nyttige, interessante og inspirerende diskusjoner.

Funding scheme:
