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SignLab - En global leverandør av tegnspråkopplæring

Alternative title: SignLab - A global platform for learning sign languages

Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

SignLab develops a global learning platform for all the worlds sign languages. Globally it is estimated that 70 million people are deaf, 80% of whom are illiterate, only 1-2% of the deaf are educated in their native language, sign language. The main reason for this is that few people in the local community know sign language. Of the estimated 210 million hearing who are the parent or siblings of someone who is deaf, 90% do not know sign language. Studies have shown that lack of education in sign language is not only a problem in developing countries, but also a problem in Norway and other OECD countries. This is shown by that 3/4 of deaf children are in the lower quartile of the school system, both at primary school, middle school and high school, even though the children's mental faculties are on par with their hearing classmates. In other words, improved sign language learning is not only a challenge in developing countries, but also in Norway and the developed world. SignLab seeks to offer a low-cost learning platform for all sign languages with the goal of reducing deaf illiteracy and increasing the proportion of hearing people who know sign language. Through this, SignLab wishes to facilitate increased inclusion and equality between deaf and hearing in society.

Funding scheme: