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FFL-JA-Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri


Alternative title: Vurdering av gamle norske frukt- og bærsortar for helsefremjande eigenskapar og som kan nyttast i kommersiell produksjon

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

The overall goal of this research project was to evaluate fruit genetic resources of traditional apple, plum and raspberry cultivars in Norway in order to promote sustainable and innovative use of these resources by plant breeding programs, Norwegian fruit industry, Norwegian food processing industry, and finally by consumers. From different ex-situ sites located at different regions in total 240 cultivars (around 150 apple, 60 plum and 30 raspberry cultivars) were tested for agronomic traits and chemical characteristics of the fruits. The composition of individual sugars, acids, and the polyphenolic profiles are determined in fruits, while content of fatty acids, carotenoids and tocoferols is analyzed in kernels/seeds. This will raise consumer awareness of the need for consumption of food rich in beneficial health compounds and will help with the selection of raw material for the food processing industries for making fresh juices, ciders, jams and jellies. Oil obtained from kernels/seeds will give an opportunity to the Norwegian industry to develop new products aimed for different purposes (food, cosmetic, fuel). The characteristics associated with all these agronomic and chemical traits of the studied cultivars is captured in a database,, and published in international publications and Nibio reports which will serve as a source of valuable information for future breeding programs, the fruit industry, processing industry and public awareness. New knowledge gained from this study is disseminated to all interested parties, both nationally and internationally. Scientific dissemination of the research results is regular published in peer-reviewed international journals.

Dette prosjektet hadde som overordna mål å vurdera pomologiske eigenskapar og analysera fruktene for innhaldsstoff hjå gamle norske eple-, plomme- og bringebærsortar. Dette er sortsmateriale som er bevara av Norsk Genressurssenter i nasjonale klonarkiv eller feltgenbanker rundt om i Noreg. Disse genressursane er ei kjelde for utvikling av nye sortar med bedre smak og eit mangfald av ulike kvalitetar. Prosjektet har gjeve ny kunnskap om pomologiske eigenskapar til eit stort tal gamle fruktsortar innan eple, plomme og bringebær. Omfattande analysar om kjemiske innhaldstoff i fruktene av dei same fruktsortane er også ny kunnskap. Resultata frå prosjektet har vekt internasjonal merksemd og formidla i ulike internasjonale fora som i konferansar og publikasjonar. Dei pomologiske sortskarakteristikkane er samla i ein database,, som kan nyttast som kunnskapskjelde innan planteforedlinga , fruktdyrkinga og næringsmiddelindustrien. Disse genressursane er ei kjelde for utvikling av nye sortar med bedre smak og eit mangfald av ulike kvalitetar. Kartlegginga har gjeve ny kunnskap om tilgjengelege norske genressursar som gir grunnlag for å identifisere sortar med spesifikke eigenskapar som kan utnyttast i produktutvikling av helsefremjande komponentar og vidareutvikling av kjente eller nye produkt som saft, sider, sylte og gele.

The overall goal of this research project is to evaluate fruit genetic resources of traditional apple, plum and raspberry cultivars in Norway, in order to promote sustainable and innovative use of these resources by plant breeding programs, Norwegian fruit industry, Norwegian food processing industry, and finally by consumers. From different ex-situ sites located at different regions about 250 cultivars (around 150 apple, 50 plum and 50 raspberry cultivars) will be tested for agronomic traits and chemical characteristics of the fruits. The composition of individual sugars, acids, pectins, the polyphenolic profile will be determined in fruits, while content of fatty acids, carotenoids and tocoferols will be analyzed in kernels/seeds. This with raise consumer awareness of the need for consumption of food rich in beneficial health compounds and will help with the selection of raw material for the food processing industries for making fresh juices, ciders, jams and jellies. Oil obtained from kernels/seeds will give an opportunity to the Norwegian industry to develop new products aimed for different purposes (food, cosmetic, fuel). The characteristics associated with all these agronomic and chemical traits of the studied cultivars will be captured in a database,, which will serve as a source of valuable information for future breeding programs, the fruit industry, processing industry and public awareness. New knowledge gained from this study will be disseminated to all interested parties, both nationally and internationally. Scientific dissemination of the research will be done by publishing research results in peer-reviewed international journals and presenting them at relevant national and international scientific meetings.

Publications from Cristin

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FFL-JA-Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri