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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Forprosjekt for utvikling av SAM-tjenester basert på C-ITS

Alternative title: Pre-project for development of SAM services based on C-ITS

Awarded: NOK 0.24 mill.

Within the EU, efforts have been made to establish standards for how modern cars communicate with each other and with roadside equipment and the infrastructure. The purpose is to give vehicles and drivers useful traffic information and quality-proof decision support in real time. Furthermore, the vehicle itself shall be able to send important information about speed, position, temperature, etc. to the surroundings. The information is sent as different types of messages defined in standards approved by the EU. Such a message type is custom service messages called SAM (Service Announcement Messages). This service messages can be used to reserve rest time parking for trucks, tire fee, convoy driving, zone control in cities, toll fee, ferry reservation, etc. Finding we have made indicates that the SAM message type has not been taken into use and it is therefore a great potential for developing a lot of new services. Since the development of SAM services is new, it must be verified that it is feasible, both technically and economically. It must also be verified that specifications are quality assured and comply with relevant ITS standards. The pre-project will result in a conclusion whether we see it appropriate to develop the messaging service (SAM) or not.

EU krever utrulling av C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) i 2019. ISO, ETSI og CEN har standardisert 802.11p kommunikasjonen, PKI, og meldingstypene CAM (kjøretøyposisjon, hastighet m.m), DENM (trafikkmeldinger), IVI (virtuelle veiskilt), SpAT (lyskryss) og MAP (kartdetaljer). Dette har blitt testet i et stort antall EU-finansierte pilotprosjekt. Formålet med prosjektet: En annen meldingtype er SAM (Service Announcement Message), og selv om denne er definert i en ISO-standard, så har ingen tatt den i bruk. SAM muliggjør norske løsninger i C-ITS arkitekturen, uten at disse må sirkulere i årevis i standardiseringsorganene. De mest sentrale utfordringene ved å få etablert prosjektet: Uferdige/uprøvde standarder fra ISO, ETSI og CEN. Mangler i eksiterende HW/SW. Motvilje fra produsenter. Potensialet for anvendelse: Dette kan brukes til reservering av hviletidsparkering for vogntog, piggdekkavgift, kolonnekjøring, sonekontroll i by, bompenger, ferjereservering m.m.

Funding scheme:

TRANSPORT-Transport 2025