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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Forprosjekt: Kartlegging og prediksjon av bevegelsesmønstre basert på lokasjonsdata i telenettet, AI og korrelerende datakilder

Alternative title: Feasibility study:Mapping and prediction of motion patterns based on location data from a cell network, AI and correlating data sources

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Today, critical infrastructure projects with huge cost estimates are decided on the basis of old and outdated reports / surveys and assumptions about population flow in cities and towns. These reports form the basis for decisions on road construction, public services, city plans, security and emergency preparedness and so on. The collection methods are partly manual, expensive and time consuming and represent only a small selection within a short time frame. It has been a desire to get data for travel surveys digitally for some time. I addition you will find many other areas of use for such type of digital information. The focus for this project is to initially facilitate a focused development project - which again will R&D how mobile movement data can provide new online insights, reports, statistics and tools to continuously visualise travel trends and patterns over time. Leveraging large anonymous data sets from the mobile network, deep knowledge of the networks design, advanced algorithms and data sets for machine learning, the project will research and develop methods to extract new insights from a mobile network combined / correlated with other relevant data sources. A very important part of the project is to maintain anonymity and operate within the framework of the GDPR. In the project we have relevant partners representing each of their areas of expertise. Acid testing of concept and idea has been carried out before this application work. There has been great interest from both public institutions and private industry linked to the possibilities with the project. The project has international ambitions and can be groundbreaking in exploiting large amounts of data to provide new insights that will in turn help to facilitate measures that really work to improve accessibility, reduce environmental emissions and facilitate smarter mobility and transport.

Forprosjektets hovedmål, er å forberede og forankre et konsortium for et utviklingsprosjekt, som i skal bidra i utviklingen en globalt kommersiell tilgjengelig løsning for Mobilitetsanalyse, i tråd med GDPR. Målet med hovedprosjektets løsning er å utnytte muligheter i et næringsutviklingsprosjekt og gjennom forsking og utvikling levere løsninger som vil hjelpe samfunnsaktører til å få kontinuerlig innsikt i befolkningens reisemønstre og på den måten bedre fremkommelighet, øke sikkerhet og måle effekt av tiltak knyttet til reduksjon av Co2 i forbindelse med mobilitet og transport.

Funding scheme:

TRANSPORT-Transport 2025