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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Tredjegenerasjons storskala metode for programvareinnovasjon i autonome team

Alternative title: Third generation large-scale method for software innovation in autonomies teams

Awarded: NOK 16.0 mill.

Disruptive technology changes, rapid changes in customer behavior and in what gives value in the market place completely new requirements for a software development and innovation process when creating new solutions. This project will establish a third-generation large-scale method for software innovation in autonomous teams that will utilize Norwegian companies' competitive advantages in domain knowledge, existing technology and the Norwegian work-life model in new product development. Today, software development is dominated by China and the United States, due to their access to capital and expertise. For Iterate, Sparebanken and Zedge to increase competitiveness, we must be able to develop innovative and valuable software with the teams we already have. To succeed, we need to develop a new method for our networking teams to work with software development and innovation in dynamic environments. The need for a new method is forced by two mega-trends. 1) Increased complexity in development work; rapid changes in architecture, introduction of new technology and rapid changes in customer behavior represent a whole new complexity when many teams work together. This complexity means that the work to a completely different degree must be managed by the autonomous teams themselves. 2) Need to experiment with many ideas at once. To ensure innovation, we want to increase the number of experiments to increase the chance of finding the real good ideas. These experiments need to be done across teams to create brand new and seamless customer journeys. We will develop a third-generation large-scale software innovation method for autonomous teams that enables many radical experiments across teams, and will develop 1. Decision tools and processes to prioritize which ideas we should work on. 2. Practices and methodology for coordinating teams in complex networks. 3. Techniques and models to support extremely high individual autonomy. We have conducted many surveys and interviews under Covid-19 to understand how this method is affected by the work from home . An important success factor has been to find out what characterizes the teams that focus on innovation in the home office. This has led to many articles in the press. We have also mapped which techniques and methods are crucial for teams that work distributed. This work has entered into the strategy work of, among others, Sparebank 1 on the future form of work.We have investigated more important techniques such as Hackathon and pair programming to understand these in the new normal. New methods for product management and product development have been developed. The findings suggest that internal software startups may be strengthened when a companies practice what is known as Employee Driven Innovation (EDI).

I dag domineres programvareutvikling av Kina og USA, på grunn av deres tilgang til kapital og kompetanse. For at vi i Iterate, Sparebanken og Zedge skal øke vår konkurransekraft må vi evne å utvikle innovativ og verdifull programvare med de teamene vi allerede har. For å lykkes med det må vi utvikle en ny metode for at våre team i nettverk skal kunne jobbe med programvareutvikling og innovasjon i dynamiske omgivelser. Behovet for en ny metode tvinges frem av to mega-trender. 1) Økt kompleksitet i utviklingsarbeidet. 2) Behov for å eksperimentere med mange idéer samtidig. For å sikre innovasjon må vi øke antallet eksperimenter for å øke sjansen til å finne de virkelige gode ideene. Disse eksperimentene må gjøres på tvers av team for å lage helt nye og sømløse kundereiser. En tredjegenerasjons storskala metode for programvareinnovasjon i autonome team som muliggjør mange radikale eksperimenter på tvers av team, vil bestå av 3 delinnovasjoner: 1) Beslutningsverktøy og prosesser for å prioritere hvilke idéer vi skal jobbe med. Verktøyet må identifisere når en idé bør stoppes eller startes, og prioritere mellom de. Forskning viser at selvstendige autonome team har en annen oppfatning enn ledere i slike situasjoner. 2) Praksiser og metodikk for koordinering av team i komplekse nettverk. Mange team som jobber med mange eksperimenter og videreutvikling på tvers for å lage nye, sømløse kundereiser, gir et komplekst koordineringsbehov. Dette støttes ikke tilstrekkelig i dagens storskala smidige praksiser som planlegger framover. Forskning viser at flaskehalser i koordineringen begrenser et teams fart og evne til eksperimentering. 3) Teknikker og modeller for å støtte ekstremt høy individuell autonomi. Når komplekse oppgaver skal løses i samarbeid med andre i et stort nettverk, må et teammedlem ha både myndighet og ansvar for oppgaven. Imidlertid viser forskning at høy individuell autonomi kommer i konflikt med teamets autonomi.

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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena