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DNA vaccine against pandemic influenza

Alternative title: DNA vaksine mot pandemisk influensa

Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2024

Funding received from:



An influenza pandemic will result in a high number of deaths on a global scale. Vaccination is a very powerful tool for prevention of infectious diseases, however current production technologies for influenza vaccines are too slow to protect against a rapidly spreading pandemic virus. DNA vaccination can solve this issue as production is faster and therefore imminent strain information can be included in the product. Unfortunately, historically DNA vaccination has systematically failed to show strong enough effect in humans. However, inventors at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo have developed a solution to this limitation of DNA vaccines. Based on excellent preclinical results, the current commercialization project will 1) confirm a protective immune response in humans after DNA vaccination in a clinical trial and 2) establish the foundation for a new company to develop the vaccine further. The project has been somewhat delayed due to the pandemic, but is otherwise progressing as planned. A detailed market analysis has been conducted, and we are in close contact with relevant and interested industrial players. A GMP DNA vaccine batch has been produced, and we are now preparing for a clinical trial.

Funding scheme: