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STUD: SLIDEDRAIN AS - Innovative drains for an easy, quick and safe installation.

Alternative title: STUD: SLIDEDRAIN AS - Nyskapende sluk for en enkel, rask og trygg installasjon.

Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2021

Funding received from:


Slidedrain AS develops floor drains with a patented technology that facilitates an easier and faster installation than current solutions on the market, while the concept minimizes the probability of water damage occurring during installation. In Norway, water leaks related to floor drains correspond to as much as 13 water damage every single day, which Finans Norge estimates to have a socio-economic cost of NOK 316 million annually. The company's first product, SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K, addresses this problem by minimizing the need for individual adaptations and accessories, resulting in a simpler installation process for the craftsman. For the craftsman, SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K will be able to save costs in the form of expensive extra equipment and shopping trips, which enables a more efficient working day with better profitability and a more secure end-result. During the project period, the company has completed product development through an iterative design process where input from customers and feedback from users has been crucial. This design process has resulted in SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K receiving the DOGA Nykommer design award and being nominated for the DOGA Hedersmerke. During the project period, the company has raised external capital that ensures continued operations and fully finances investment in molds for mass production. An important part of the project has also been to establish a sustainable production line. As a result of this work, SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K will bed produced in Norway from recycled plastic material and with sustainable packaging. The results of the project have led to the company having pre-sold the first production batch of SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K, which will be available on the market in the spring of 2020, as soon as test production and certification of the first tests units have been completed.

Prosjektets hovedmål er oppnådd i den grad at selskapet har forhåndssolgt første batch av SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K, selv om produktet først blir sertifisert så snart de første utfallsprøvene fra produksjonen er klare. Selskapet har fullført designaspektet ved produktutviklingen og satt opp verdikjeden for produksjonen, som snart er klar for testproduksjon. For å sikre videre drift av selskapet etter prosjektet har selskapet også klart å innhente ekstern kapital som sikrer kommersialisering av SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K i det norske markedet. For rørleggere og murere medfører dette at SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K blir tilgjengelig i markedet i løpet av våren 2022. SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K er et norskprodusert gulvsluk i resirkulert plast som er enklere og raskere å installere, samtidig som det minimerer sannsynligheten for at en vannskade oppstår under monteringen. I løpet av prosjektperioden ble også SLIDEDRAIN MODEL K kåret til vinner av designprisen DOGA-Merket Nykommer og nominert til DOGA Hedersmerket.

Funding scheme: