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MP: Evaluating key elements to establish a globally oriented sales & development company with a pipeline of validated eHealth applications.

Alternative title: Evaluering av hva som skal til

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2020

Funding received from:



The Department of Digital Health Research consists of scientists, PhD students, post-docs, editors, design and system developers, as well as administrative staff. They have a longstanding history of designing, developing and testing digital solutions from the perspective of patients and health care providers in order to improve; patient education, self-management, individual follow-up, improved communication between patients and their health care providers, shared decision making and collaborative care research. The solutions developed by the department derive from a unique combination of existing evidence and extensive user input and involvement. Research has shown that patients using the solutions developed by the Department of Digital Health Research participate more actively in self-care, are more satisfied with their care, report improved physical functioning and quality of life, report less stress and distress, and need less symptom management. In addition, the solutions provide health care providers with improved knowledge and understanding of patients' needs and requirements. The goal of the research is to provide patient-centered, evidence based digital solutions and interventions in support of strengthened self-management, collaborative care and shared decision making. The potential for individual and societal gains from the department?s research is significant. Inven2 is invetsigating the optimal way of commercializing some of these products. We would like to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a company that will license these apps, then use economy of scale to effectively market and service the apps in a global market.

Leveransene i arbeidspakkene har resultert i en selskapsopprettelse og at disse løsningene er kommet flere skritt nærmere å komme ut til forbruker. Administrerende direktør i selskapet som har evaluert hva som skal til for å flytte en av de viktige løsningene i prosjektet over på en moderne programvare plattform(WP1) har valgt å starte et nytt selskap som har lisensiert inn løsningene. Dette hadde ikke latt seg gjøre om evalueringen av løsningen(WP1), markedsanalysene(WP2,3&4) eller Inven2 sitt arbeid med business plan og eksterne investorer(WP5) hadde blitt finansiert av Forskningsrådet slik at vi kunne redusere risiko i prosjektet.

Funding scheme: