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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

ISPAS OMNIA - Neste generasjons fasestyrt multirolle radar

Alternative title: ISPAS OMNIA - Next generation phased array multirole radar

Awarded: NOK 14.7 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2024



These days the worldwide access to electronic components is challenging. For Ispas it is a critical time factor that can delay the project somewhat if unforeseen circumstances should occur on the delivery side. However, we have sent orders for purchase and are optimistic about deliveries so far. Planning, administration and follow-up of the various sub-tasks and companies are good, and the project is on schedule. In order to be able to deliver a first-class product that is EX-m approved, it is important to find the best possible potting compound for our radar components. We cannot ignore the fact that several different molding compounds or mixtures should be used to optimize the functionality and flexibility of the various components and circuit boards. We are in the process of finalizing the evaluation of the first most relevant casting masses, and on that basis, we are now developing a number of alternatives that will be tested shortly after new year. To realize our ambition of making a flat radar, we need to minimize a number of circuit boards and connectors. We are now in the process of completing the development of a miniaturized processor card. The first pre prototype has been completed, and we are well under way with routing and layouts of the alfa circuit board. A completed card can be expected in spring 2022. The antenna development has good progression. We simulate new prototype antennas. These simulations provide the basis for a prototype of which we envisage being sent to production towards the spring. When we receive the new components in the new year, this will provide a basis for upscaling the size and form factor. As there are no adequate power supplies in the market for our use, this must be developed internally. This has primarily to do with miniaturization, but also requirements for performance etc. The development is on schedule, and we have close dialogues with niche companies within power supply that assist us in the development.


Radaren som skal utvikles vil få navnet ISPAS OMNIA. Vi vil bygge på vår opparbeidede kompetansen og vil ta dagens 2D fasestyrte, solid state EX-pz klassifisert radar uten noen bevegelige deler til en 3D multirolle EX-m klassifisert radar. Vår visjon med ISPAS OMNIA skal dekke mange nye bruksområder samt eksisterende OSD funksjon. ISPAS OMNIA skal kunne benyttes på ubemannede installasjoner offshore. Dette er et krav fra myndighetene [ ]. For at det skal kunne realiseres må ISPAS OMNIA kunne kvalifiseres til den strengeste eksplosjonsnormen EX-m. ISPAS OMNIA vil bli: • Modulær multirolle 3D-radar • Et vendepunkt innen moderne radarteknologi • Koherent og polarimetrisk. • Ultrakompakt og solid-state design. • Robust og herdet ISPAS OMNIA får: • Enestående ytelse versus kostnad • Svært høy skanning og oppdateringhastighet • Modulbasert oppbygning muliggjør dynamisk ytelse vs pris • Kompatibilitet med eksisterende funksjonalitet Oljevirksomhet er regulert av strenge lover, regler og forskrifter og den overvåkes nøye av myndighetene når de produserer, befrakter og leter etter olje. ISPAS OMNIA vil gi oljeselskapene stadig beder verktøy for å overholde disse kravene. Systemer som ikke trenger EX-m klassifisering, markedsføres og selges slik at selskapet sikrer vedvarende inntekter og drift fortløpende under hele utviklingsfasen.

Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2