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Food (R)evolution - Kantiner som innovasjonsarena og endringspådriver for bærekraftige matvaner

Alternative title: Food (R)evolution - Canteens as an innovation arena and change driver for sustainable food habits

Awarded: NOK 12.2 mill.

Through Food (R)evolution (FR) we want to innovate the way-of-working in the value chain. Through use of canteens as an innovation arena for sustainable food and eating habits we want to make the Norwegian food consumption more sustainable. Traditionally value chains are set up sequentially ? with transactions in between the different parties. In Food (R)evolution we strive to establish the value chain as a learning-loop where we collaborate towards one common goal: reduced environmental footprint on our planet due to food consumption. The partners in the project are Coor, Orkla Foods Norge, HOFF, Foodback, Nofima and Æra Strategic Innovation. Since the project kick-off April 15th, 2021, the focus areas have been (1) establishment of basic structures for project management and collaboration and (2) start-up of planned workstreams. The projects portfolio of research canteens is established; from now we will work with 18 canteens distributed on 14 geographical locations and potentially up to 7000 canteen guests. We are happy to announce a a solid group of companies participating with their canteens: Aker Solutions, ABB, Aibel, Anora, Coor, Deloitte, Equinor, Lyse, Oslo K (Nexans), Seabroker Services and SR-Bank Arena (Viking Fotball). The project is spilt in three phases: (1) Insight & Learning, (2) Conceptualization and (3) Operationalization. This year, main emphasis has been put on Phase 1, but we have also initiated activities in Phase 2: INSIGHT 1 ? THE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: Todays processes for Orkla Foods Norge and HOFF has been mapped with the intention of identifying how Food (R)evolution can contribute to improve the accuracy in the development of new sustainable products. We look forward to work further with identified hypothesis in the upcoming conceptual work. INSGIHT 2 ? DEFINITION OF SUSTAINABLE FOOD: Food (R)evolution?s ambition is to become a collaboration platform for sustainable food ? but which food products are sustainable? There is no correct answer to this question. The project has had interesting discussions around this theme. Our working hypothesis is to further develop a ?calculator? which food producers can use to qualify their products for testing through the Food (R)evolution-platform. INSIGHT 3 ? CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: Canteen guests are consumers ? both in the canteen, but also outside the office. It is therefore important to uncover canteen guests? considerations around food choices ? both at home and in the canteen. A survey has therefor been sent out to get to know their thoughts and attitudes. To strengthen the learning even more, the project will continue with focus interviews and possible completion of what we call a Food Diary. Nofima is responsible for this research activity. INSIGHT 4 ? CANTEEN PERSONNELS COMPETENCY AROUND SUSTAINABILITY: Canteen personnel has a key role regarding what is served in the canteen. Establishment of a sufficient competency level regarding sustainable food choices is therefore a key factor when we want to adjust food consumption patterns. A survey among all Coors chefs is planned to be conducted in Q1. The result of this survey will be the base for establishment of a module-based competency platform which will be integrated as a part of Food (R)evolution. CONCEPT 1 ? DIGITAL FEEDBACK: The backbone of the Food (R)evolution platform is the scenario of food producers being able to test their products in the canteens on a high number of canteen guests ? to increase the accuracy in product development. The first round of product testing is planned to be conducted in Q2 2022. The feedback from the canteen guests will be collected through a feedback-tool developed by Foodback. Specification of requirements to such a solution will be finalized in December, and the first beta-version of the feedback-tool will be finished during Q1 2022. CONCEPT 2 ? COLLABORATION MODEL: Our ambition is that Food (R)evolution becomes a permanent and continuous developed collaboration platform in the food industry ? also after project closure in 2024. Thus, it is crucial to establish a solid collaboration and business model as a base. The work around this has been initiated in Q4 2021 and the planned process is to further design, anchor and test thoughts regarding the business model during both 2022 and 2023. The project wants to be as transparent as possible regarding the ongoing activities. Thus, we have launched a project website for this purpose. On this website you can find overall information about the project, and we also want to update the project-blog to give insight into the ongoing activities and discussions.


For a° møte globale og nasjonale mål pa° klimagassutslipp, naturmangfold og personlig helse ma° vi spise mer plantebasert og mer bærekraftig. Det er behov for a° legge til rette for bedre matvaner og matproduksjon. Hver dag spises det ca. 1,1 millioner lunsjer i jobbkantiner, studentkantiner og skolekantiner i Norge. Her ligger det en enorm mulighet til å hjelpe forbrukere til et enda bedre kosthold. Men det har vist seg at det ikke fungerer å bare endre menyen. Læring fra åpent innovasjonsprosjekt Matfloken (Sep’19 - Mar’20) demonstrerte at det krever mer kunnskap og arbeid, spesielt på områder med begrenset forskning. Den overordnede ideen for innovasjonsprosjektet Food(R)evolution er å utnytte og styrke kantiner som innovasjonsarena og endringspådriver for et mer plantebasert og bærekraftig kosthold for den norske befolkningen. Ideen baserer seg på fire hovedpunkter for verdiskaping i deltagende bedrifter 1) øke kompetanse i kantiner, 2) etablere en innovasjonsarena mellom matprodusenter og kantiner, 3) involvere kantinegjester i innovasjon av bærekraftige matprodukter, 4) utvikle en plattform for å samle inn omfattende data rundt produkttesting og forbrukerholdninger som kan brukes til forbedrings- og forskningsformål. Forskningspotensialet er stort. En av de største mulighetene som åpner seg er at det blir enkelt og kostnadseffektivt å iverksette forskningsinitiativ med svært store og varierte målgrupper, ettersom kantinene allerede er utrustet med nødvendig teknisk infrastruktur som automatiserer innsamling av tilbakemeldinger fra gjestene. FoU utfordringen ligger i å få ytterliggere forståelse av hvordan økt valg (og salg) av plantebaserte bærekraftige produkter kan oppnås gjennom produktegenskaper og kommunikasjon. Videre skal vi se hvordan ulike grupper av forbrukere (kjønn, sosioøkonomiske grupper bli påvirket; Hvordan forskjellige strategier og produkter vil påvirke bærekraftige matvalg? Samt effekt på egen matlaging hjemme (spill-over effekt)

Funding scheme:
