Reduzer is a new software tool that construction industry professionals can use to easily calculate the environmental footprint of construction projects, to reduce emissions and plan for efficient material use, while automating documentation and certifications. The tool combines all environmental data, goals, and certifications in an easy-to-use collaborative workspace.
A Ph.D. dissertation is the basis for novel methodologies, that improve the quality of the assessments and streamlines the measures to reduce both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. The licensed research results advance methods for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from construction materials. Research findings are developed into a cloud-based web application for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, neighborhoods, and infrastructure. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of the construction industry and thus helping achieve the goals of the Paris agreement, the software will lead to time- and cost-savings in the construction industry. Currently, the most significant challenge is achieving a product-market fit that solves the industry’s needs. This will be achieved through user testing in already initiated collaborations with key industry actors and will result in software ready for early customers.
Prosjektet har effektivt validert og justert sin MVP for markedet gjennom dialog med kunder, avdekket kommersielt potensial og redusert risikoer. Prosjektet har utviklet en skalérbar forretningsmodell i samarbeid med flere titalls ledende bedriftskunder, og har utviklet oppdaterte produktspesifikasjoner, en forretningsplan og prismodell. Innovasjonen bidrar til klimamål ved å tilgjengeliggjøre klimaregnskap og reduksjonstiltak i byggeprosjekter for en betydelig større brukergruppe og fremmer bærekraftig utvikling, med potensiale til å i betydelig grad begrense global oppvarming.