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H20-HEALTH-Health, demographic change and wellbeing

EU-CEPI Framework Agreement for vaccine development

Awarded: NOK 0


Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2022


EU-CEPI Framework Agreement for vaccine development

This annex underlines the rationale of the added value of proposed framework program agreement (FPA) between CEPI and the Commission. CEPI was established in the wake of the Ebola outbreak following calls for action to establish global funding and facilitation mechanisms to be better prepared for the next outbreak of an emerging epidemic disease though the development of vaccines. The R&D Blueprint for Action to Prevent Epidemics developed by the WHO serves as CEPI’s point of departure for selecting priority diseases as it works towards a world in which epidemics are no longer a threat to humanity. CEPI does this through: (1) the acceleration of vaccine development against emerging infectious diseases, and (2) securing stockpiles of investigational products to enable equitable access to those vaccines for affected populations during outbreaks. All of CEPI’s activities are structured around three strategic objectives: • Preparedness: Advance access to safe and effective vaccines against emerging infectious diseases • Response: Accelerate the research, development and use of vaccines during outbreaks • Sustainability: Create durable and equitable solutions for outbreak response capacity Together, the three strategic objectives support the achievement of higher level impacts – the sustainable development goals. By helping to mitigate the potential devastating impacts of a future epidemic of emerging infectious diseases in low and middle-income countries, CEPI contributes to the achievement of SDGs 3, 8 and 17, aligning with the priorities of the EU’s development policy. Through an inclusive and collaborative organisational model, responding to the requirements of both product development and a global health priorities, CEPI also supports the EU’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation. Having launched two Calls for Proposals since 2017, CEPI’s organisational model is also well tested for conducting CfPs in complex environments.

Funding scheme:

H20-HEALTH-Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Funding Sources