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Evaluation of an intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes/Metabolic Syndrome among Pakistani immigrants, with main focus on nutrition.

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (DM2) is rising in all parts of the world. There is a higher prevalence of (DM2)among some immigrant groups, compared to the native population in the Western world. Women from the Indian subcontinent seem to be particular ly predisposed. People originating from Pakistan are the largest immigrant group in Norway, and is thereby an important group in a public health perspective. Identification of culture-specific preventive strategies is crucial. The main aim of this project is to identify appropriate intervention methods to prevent (DM2) among immigrants within the primary health care system. An intervention is planned, including 140 women, originating from Pakistan. They will be divided into 1)a control group 2) an interve ntion group receiving systematic and cultural adapted lifestyle (diet and physical activity) education and counselling and exercise sessions. This application concerns evaluation of the intervention focusing on nutrition and nutritionrelated parameters. The evaluation project will use anthropometric (weight, height, waist/hip circumference), blood sampling (a number of parameters, such as blood glucose and blood lipids), blood pressure, 2x48 h dietary recall, questionnaire about attitudes and experience s regarding the intervention. The primary endpoint is fasting plasma glucose and 2-h value after OGTT. Clinical examination, group sessions and individual counselling will be carried out at “Diabetesverkstedet” and “Kloden internasjonale senter”. The exer cise groups will be held as close as possible to where the participants live. The project is a collaboration between Diabetesverkstedet (Aker University hospital), Dep. for Nutrition and Section for Prev. Med. and Epidem. at University of Oslo. The planne d project will provide important information for the development of targeted preventive measures in a prioritized group for public health efforts and programs that can be exported to the primary health care.

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