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VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Dependable ICT for the Energy Sector

Awarded: NOK 10.5 mill.

Software as an integrated part of critical components used in O&G installations is increasingly being used in the oil & gas industry, because it promises more functionality, lower building costs, lower cost of operation, as well as higher flexibility for future changes and upgrades. In particular, the concept of integrated operations will continue to demand more software. Unfortunately, as the use of software in O&G industry is increasing, so are the risks associated with its use. At present, there are q uite few publicly reported incidents, where a failure is caused by software malfunction. However, based on original research in the NRC-sponsored SMICT project (NFR no. 175999/I40), we know that the actual incidents caused by software faults are neverthel ess there. Furthermore, software is not only present in the most critical systems; it is also found in navigation, communication, ventilation, media, cooling, passenger suite, radar, and even door lock systems. The GOICT project is a foundation project f or developing and setting the recommendations for software used in energy installations. The overall expected impact of GOICT is reduced probability of hydrocarbon production flow stop caused by software malfunction. The project is conducted as a joint i ndustry project with partners from government, oil companies, academia, interest organizations, and component manufacturers across the value chain. The benefits for various organizations can be described further: a) Operators and owners will benefit from less risk of production stops and better safety for their employees. b) Engineers working on the equipment/systems will benefit from having quality guidelines to refer to when defining requirements c) Equipment providers and contractors will benefit from having one well-defined, common overall quality guideline to adhere to d) Society will significantly reduce the risk for major catastrophic events caused by software or computer malfunction.

Funding scheme:

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT