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FME-Forskningssentre for miljøvenn

Etableringsstøtte FME - Centre for envrionmental design of renewable energy

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

Prosjektetableringsstøtten skal brukes til å styrke nettverk og utvikle samarbeid om FME blandt de fremste forskerne i Norge innen miljøvennlig energi. Midlene skal også gå til å videreutvikle samarbeidet med finansierende industripartnere innenfor miljøv ennlig energi. Et sammendrag av senteret følger: In order to ensure environmental design of existing and new renewable energy production, collaboration between physical, biological, technical, social and economic sciences is necessary. A close collaborat ion and interaction between R & D institutes, the industry and management authorities are also important to develop optimal solutions. The research centre "Centre for Environmental design of renewable energy (CEDREN)" will be an important instrument in th is development. It is of high importance to be able to develop on- and offshore wind, ocean energy and other renewables as well as transmission lines in a sustainable way, taking care of both the local and the global environment. Use of renewable energy , a free European energy marked and increased transmission capacity between Norway and Europe, lead to higher demand for market oriented regulation of hydropower. Hydropower with reservoirs is the only renewable energy with storage possibilities. Environm ental design of existing, refurbished and new hydropower is crucial in order to facilitate renewable energy in an environmental friendly way. CEDREN will use experience and competence gained from R & D and studies of environmental impacts of traditional operated hydro power combined with general knowledge within physical, technical, biological, ecological, social and economical sciences to meet challenges in designing and re-designing existing and new renewable energy production according to the global, European and national demand for environmental friendly energy production.

Funding scheme:

FME-Forskningssentre for miljøvenn

Thematic Areas and Topics