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NORDSATS-Forskningsløft i Nord

Service Innovation and Tourist Experiences in the High North: The Co-creation of Value for Consumers, Firms and the Tourism industry

Awarded: NOK 53.6 mill.


This research program focuses on value creation in tourism for businesses, consumers and destinations. The program has two main goals: 1) To support High North development by increasing value creation through theoretical and applied research relevant for tourism and tourism-relevant education. 2) To strengthen and develop the long term capabilities to carry out high quality research on the tourism phenomenon in the High North in cooperation with the tourism industry. Thus, the program is organized as a knowledge-creating system. A new Center for Experience Industry Development will ensure that knowledge creation and dissemination is interlinked as they together are paramount to the future success of tourism in the High North. In line with the goal, res earch topics have been carefully selected in order to build an appropriate knowledge platform, reflective of the range of highly relevant expertise of the members of the research consortium. Their contributions are organized around research topics that fa ll within three empirical areas central to the study of co-creation of value(s) in tourism: tourism-related firms, tourists and destinations. Three interrelated work packages focus on how the co-creation of values occurs within and between 1) the firms o ffering tourism experiences, 2) the markets of experience consumers, and 3) the destinations (resources/places) within which the tourism experiences are located. The WPs are thematically highly interlinked and the program will be organized to ensure flow of knowledge and learning between them. Together, this program and knowledge system will help the industry fortify the region's position in national and international markets by effectively supplying sound knowledge useful to 1) bolster the tourism indus try's capability to innovate, create value and use local resources, 2) enhance sales and marketing activities, 3) extend and develop short and limited seasons and 4) serve other related practical functions Nytt sammendrag per 1/7-14 Hovedmålsettingen med prosjektet er å gjennomføre forskning av høy kvalitet på tjenesteinnovasjon i opplevelsesbasert reiseliv og samskaping av verdier for bedrifter, kunder og reiselivs- og opplevelsesnæringer i Nord-Norge. Gjennom å etablere et solid system for kunnskapsformidling vil forskningen bidra til å utvikle og styrke opplevelsesbasert reiseliv gjennom økt konkurranseevne og bærekraft. I de kommende tre år vil fokus være på innovasjon og verdiskapningspotensial med utgangspunkt i henholdsvis turistens opplevelser og reiselivsnæringens potensiale. Naturressurser og bærekraft er sentrale premisser i forskningen. Prosjektet er organisert i tre delprosjekt eller arbeidspakker (Work Packages, WP). WP 1: «Fra potensialer til innovative og konkurransedyktige reiselivsbedrifter». WP 2: «Turistopplevelsen i et verdiskapende perspektiv». WP 3 «Prosjektorganisering og formidling», prosjektoverbygningen og fellesaktiviteter som skal binde det hele sammen og sikre formidling av kunnskapen til næringa og andre interessenter.

Publications from Cristin

Funding scheme:

NORDSATS-Forskningsløft i Nord