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IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

How fossil fuel markets interact with climate change and energy security policies

Awarded: NOK 79,000

A half year stay at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley would benefit the progress of my PhD as well as the PETROSAM project it is a part of. My PhD thesis aims to understand how fossil fuel markets interact with climate change and energy security policies. The department is highly regarded internationally for its research in these fields. Their research environment uses other approaches compared to my Norwegian environment, that will help me see th e limitations and alternatives to my current techniques, as well as ways of building on my current work by integrating alternative viewpoints and methodologies. I also wish to attend courses unavailable in Norway, hence advancing theoretically and collec ting ideas for future work. A third aim is to establish cooperation with other researchers working on my topic, strenghtening and extending the already existing ties between my home institution (the Frisch Centre) and the ARE. Finally I plan to make use of the specific expertise ARE offers, especially on climate change, and in turn to bring new knowledge back to Norway.

Funding scheme:

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada