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E!5173 Double Sided Silicone Strip Detectors for micros tissue autoradiography

Awarded: NOK 4.1 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2010 - 2013

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We will develop a unique workbench for micro-scale molecular imaging, combining new imaging technology based on a double sided silicon detector (DSSD), advanced software modules and analysis protocols. Further more to use this workbench to establish valid ated methods for 1) early validation of in vivo behavior of drug candidate antibodies, 2) evaluation of in situ antigen distribution in tumor and inflammation in animal models and 3) evaluation of suitable biomarkers for in vivo imaging of tumor and infla mmation disease. The new workbench will support micro-scale imaging of the distribution of radio-labeled compounds in tissue sections, i.e. digital autoradiography. This will allow research laboratories in industry and academia to improve the quality and quantity of imaging analysis for ex vivo studies, in addition to reducing the amount of test animals. We will develop a robust hardware and software solution which allows the end-user to produce scientifically significant results under a wide variety of conditions, minimizing the threshold for end-users in terms of imaging and/or radiation physics expertise. The project consortium consist of Biomolex AS, Bioinvent International AB and Lund University. Biomolex will be the project coordinator and be resp onsible for hardware and software developments, and system integration. Biomolex has developed DSSD technology to be used in this project. The workbench will give significant improvements in terms of sensitivity, acquisition time, accuracy of quantificat ion and image quality, in addition to real-time imaging. These features will radically improve the end-user analysis results. Anyone working in the area of developing imaging probes for use in clinical PET, SPECT scanners or on cancer drugs using radio-nu clides for the therapeutic effects, could immediately benefit from extend abilities for high-resolution ex vivo imaging provided by the workbench.

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