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U2020-Norsk utdanningsforskning 2009-2018

Balancing theoretical education and practical training - Recruitment and completion of VET and the transition to work

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Vocational education and training (VET) in Norway balances between theoretical education on the one side and practical training on the other, in the belief that both elements are important for building competence. In addition, practical training is believ ed to be important for students' motivation for staying in school and achieving a diploma. Previous research has often been focusing on drop-out/completion or recruitment to higher education in general, not focusing on VET in particular. In order to open the "black box" of VET NOVA is preparing a research project on young people's motivation for and completion of VET and their experience of the transition to apprenticeship and work. To aid these preparations, a literature review synthesizing Norwegian, No rdic and European VET research on the balance between theoretical education and practical training for motivation and completion of VET, is needed. To achieve this, the theoretical framework of educational regimes described by Eric Verdier (2001, 2008) w ill be used to contextualize international research findings and contribute to systematizing and reducing complexity across international educational systems. Verdier distinguishes five educational regime ideal types 1) The training regime, 2) The academi c regime, 3) the universalistic regime, 4) the regime of the free market and 5) the private-public network based regime. The review will include literature from Germany, France, Switzerland, the Nordic countries and Britain. These countries represent Ver dier's regimes as contexts for different views on the role of theoretical education and practical training in VET. The aim of the literature review will be to make Norwegian, Nordic and European findings available and relevant for the Norwegian context, b uild competence on European educational systems, support future international collaborations and identify needs for further research.

Funding scheme:

U2020-Norsk utdanningsforskning 2009-2018

Funding Sources