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IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Comparative genomics of the ecological transition from saptrotrophy to ectomycorrhiza

Awarded: NOK 99,000

We will study the evolutionary changes that have happened when a fungal species has gone through the transition from being a rotting fungus to forming symbiotic relationships with plants. The family Serpulaceae mostly consist of brown rot fungi (e. g. the devastating dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans), but one genus within the family form mutualistic symbiosis with plants. We will compare the results to a similar, but independent, transition in the genus Amanita studied by Anne Pringle and co-workers at Ha rvard. The proposed research will represent an important development in this field by giving a more precise understanding of the symbiotic relationships between plants and fungi

Funding scheme:

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada