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ISPSAM-ISP - Samfunnsvitenskap

Tilrettelegging og kvalitetssikring av internasjonal publisering av juridisk forskning

Awarded: NOK 1.0 mill.

Background and goals: The Faculty of Law at The University of Bergen considers publication in international peer review journals and publishing houses to be an area of improvement. The faculty wishes to establish administrative support functions that can help the faculty's staff of researchers increase their international research publication both in quantity and in quality. That has been this project's primary goal. Short description of the most important tasks/measures: - Language measures and copy editing: One of the measures in the project has been to offer language resources throughout the writing and publishing process. Intensive language courses in German and English, workshops, as well as advice from copy editors have all been part of this effort. The number of publications being copy edited for international publication has never been higher than in 2014, and some of the increase can probably be attributed to the project. - Identifying and recommending international publication channels: A systematic mapping of international publication alternatives for legal scientific research has been carried out. The journals and publishing houses with published research from Norwegian and Nordic legal scholars have been identified. - Handbook for international publishing: The web based hand book is meant to be a useful tool when publishing internationally, with younger researchers as the primary target group. The handbook will contain an overview of the most commonly used channels of international legal research publication, advice on how to get started, a list of recommended copy editors/translators, research- and publication technique, rights and preconditions on a more general level, as well as a list of possible sources of financing. - Workshops on international research publishing: Two seminars/workshops have been organised. Professors at the faculty as well as professors with extensive experience and a highly successful publication rate have shared their experiences. The challenges of writing and publishing in English when one's mother tongue is Norwegian (or any other language) has also been addressed. - Open access Publishing: Open access was not part of the original project plan, but the project has supported the following two activities: Towards the end of 2013 the «Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice» was launched at the faculty. This is an open access journal aimed at an international audience, on level 1, completely free of charge. Till now the publication rate has been two times a year. The journal has been well received and is steadily increasing its distribution. A second project has been the effort to publish all Norwegian ph.d. dissertations on an open access platform, organised in such a way as to qualify for publications points at level 1. The dissertations that are not written in English all have an English summary, making at least their subject area available for an international non-Scandinavian audience. The technical solution for a publication platform has been found, what remains is to have the three Norwegian law faculties agree on implementation. This may be decided in 2015. Achieved results, dissemination and use: The different measures described above have definitely facilitated increased attention towards international publishing of legal research and the importance of this to be able to participate in the international discourse. Especially the language measures and the two workshops/seminars have contributed to inspiring the faculty research fellows towards publishing internationally. The faculty is in the process of establishing a web site for dissemination of the results from the project. Carrying out of the project, use of resources and usefulness in general. The project has for the great part been carried out according to the original plan. Parts of the results have been conveyed to the target group. The new net site for a user friendly dissemination of the project results is underway and will be completed during the first half of 2015.

A. SPRÅKOPPFØLGING OG SPRÅKVASK. Et av tiltakene i prosjektet vil være å tilby ressurser til språklig oppfølging gjennom skriveprosessene og språkvask i forbindelse med publisering. Konkret søkes det om støtte til å engasjere rettsvitere med forsknings- og språkkompetanse som kan knyttes direkte til aktuelle forsknings- og publiseringsprosjekt B. ANDRE ADMINISTRATIVE TILTAK I tillegg til bistand med språkkompetanse består prosjektet av følgende tiltak: 1. Systematisering og anbefaling av internasjon ale publiseringskanaler. Målsettingen er å utarbeide en systematisk oversikt over publiseringskanaler for de aktuelle forskningsområdene ved fakultetet. 2. Håndbok for publisering (med særlig vekt på internasjonal publisering). Det skal utarbeides e n publiseringshåndbok som inneholder: - Råd om valg av publiseringskanal (se pkt 1.) for ulike publikasjoner - Hvordan kontakte aktuelle publiseringskanaler og hvordan kommuniserer man med redaksjonene. - Hvilke forfatterinstruksjoner gjelder? En system atisk gjennomgang av formkrav til manuskripter - manusoppsetting, format, lengde på «abstract», referansesystem, oppsetting av figurer og tabeller, krav til figurer med mer - Den redaksjonelle behandling av vitenskapelige arbeider, kriterier for aksepter ing, fagfellevurdering - Forsknings- og publiseringsetikk - Finansieringskilder, finansieringsrammer - Rettigheter og betingelser 3. Seminar om internasjonal publisering. Det skal gjennomføres et dagsseminar for vitenskapelig tilsatte der vi skal sett e fokus på internasjonal publisering. I tillegg til intern kompetanse vil vi invitere representanter fra aktuelle forlag/publikasjonskanaler for å belyse de utfordringer som er knyttet til særlig juridisk internasjonal publisering. Vi tar også sikte på å engasjere fagspråkseksperter for å belyse utfordringer knyttet til fagterminologi og oppbygging av vitenskapelige tekster.

Funding scheme:

ISPSAM-ISP - Samfunnsvitenskap

Funding Sources